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Bible Passage Mal 4
This content is part of a series Absolute Proof, in topic Introduction & .

3) Outpourings

  • CD Steynvaard
Date preached April 8, 2005

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William Branham was no prophet.



This subject has been playing out to me all morning outpourings. Now if God sends us a good downpour of rain & Spiritual blessings, then that rain falls on all seeds righteous or unrighteous. Both raise their heads & say praise be to God Heb.6:7. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh upon it, and bringeth forth herbs, meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessings from God

(8) But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned. Matthew 5:45. That ye may be the children of your father, which is in Heaven, for He maketh His son to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.  It is clear that God’s rain the Word falls on the Godly & ungodly. Look at the natural religious demons if it rains the biggest ungodly guys are thankful cause they are going to have a good crop they raise their heads & are thankful. In the Spiritual realm it’s deceitful cause that weed can be a hypocrite punk liar enjoying the blessings like the real wheat does & lean towards organizations like Judas did always working their way up to be religious.


Now the good seed that comes from God bears the fruit of the season predestinated for that season. They are the real true ones thankful for the rain the good Master sends from above. They appreciate the outpourings & know it is bles­sings for them. It is send to them by Gods unmerited grace. They enjoy themselves in the mysteries & hidden things that God show them & things He throw their way in Spiritual downpours. Gods own are predestinated to Life eternal God will see to it that they get to heaven. Life can only go to more life cause Life has no end whatsoever & just carries on continuing on into new spheres. When there’s a downpour after a long dry drought people run around getting their vessels filled & rejoice. Not all are true seed  & the rain is send to a very few but it falls on outsiders as well. God works His plan like that. All think they got the real thing but they don’t  the water on them is like water on a ducks back it runs off  & can’t get in to let them grow & mature. Only a perverted matured thorn comes forth from these weed plants. They will outgrow the genuine thing but are rub­bish right from their very roots. Let them both grow to the harvest & then the good gardener our King picks His own & burns the rubbish which is an eye sore offspring of the devil.


When a message goes forth in tongues, signs & wonders then there is always a message that follows that. The signs are given to attract attention then the water gets through eventually to the real people that it is intended for & they are quickened to the word of their Season. It is no use laboring trying to get ones into my message that God never foreknew. God don’t want them to know His secrets & mysteries. He actually hates outside intervention & has them in another plan maybe to get life to them from Him. It is the grace of God that get anybody to heaven. No matter how they get there, maybe as a tribulation saint or one that did an elect a favor. The Lambs Book of Life is only for the elect. Their names are recorded in there. No one else will see what they see & the good rain get them out of organizations & into Christ. Bill’s message was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  No good trying to make him something that he didn’t want to be part off or try make him something that he was not in the first place. To say he restored the faith is saying what he did not say & belief. He said it’ll be someone after him & that the 7th. angel rises at the end of the age to restore the faith to the elect. Others won’t have the faith to please God because they reject Gods messenger of Mal.4


God do not accept anything outside His written Word unless  it is spoken by His prophet of that Season. A prophet is the Word.  Bill pleaded with God praying earnestly for God to send a prophet cause he knew that his message failed to restore the faith & reveal the 7 Thunders. Bill was nothing else but a reformer. It is not what you say he was it is what God says he was that counts & all others are liars. People under his reforming doctrine of churches won’t accept a true prop­het cause the reformer blinded them. Bill never operated  as a prophet in his entire ministry. Prophets cursed churches & the religious system Bill had a church. Bill said no prophet ever came from a church he came from the Baptist church where he was ordained a preacher. He said in Taking Sides With Jesus. I don’t hold the office of a prophet. Prophet’s do not get cooperation’s & preach to the world & hold meetings they curse the whole thing. In Way of A True Prophet he made it clear that a prophet was needed. You are in serious trouble with God to make prophets out of anybody that is not a prophet because you are by that action denying Gods true office. Now face the facts no prophet ever worked with the system they were outside the system. Elijah would have had his knife out to cut the heads off of the false pastors that gather in evil worship places paying homage to the Jezebel system. The Word is now cutting away the carnal twin. Just like Abraham had 2 sons one of the promise & one an outsider & Mohammedan. The carnal twin erected a Mosque of O’Mar-rion on 8th & Penn Streets & worldwide claiming they are the seed of Branham just like the Catholics they use that as an idol or mediator between themselves & God. It is not accepted for God is outside the system & stands on the outside with His few elected ones that are on the narrow road to Life.

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Anybody is temporary blinded by light if thrown on the eyes. When you get your wits back again you see that the light was really trying to point you to a greater light coming. It is no good thinking you are doing God a service by accepting what some pastor teaches that Bill was the 7th. Angel. That is a lie out of hell & you will join your pastor in hell for believing such a lie. Bill said the 7th. Messenger is someone after him & the star of the age is unknown. Any pastor that preaches contrary let him be accursed. The peop­le get carried away with outpourings of the Spirit  & miss the real true Voice that follows afterwards. They got carried away under reformers especially the last lot of Pentecostals that had Bill as a reformer to them. The Holy Spirit came in a full baptism & a lot of doctrines were poured out. Bill himself couldn’t put his message together & was looking for my day. There were many things he preached that went over his head & he wasn’t supposed to know. God used him as a vessel to pour out the water on the seeds. Now those seeds have matured some to condemnation & others to Life. His great reform message never restored any faith at all. The carnal twin from his organizational revival

 are testimony’s that he wasn’t the messenger cause they did exactly what he did by starting churches again back to mommy whore. See why my message is different & outside the whole organizational system because Bill said I would be here with such a message. No getting together, no house meetings or any carnal places of worship a walk with God alone showing that Christ is identified in the individual.


C/A/Book.377. It was then (And now) Believed that this (Bills message) was indeed the long awaited restoration it was not  for the latter rain can only come after the former rain, which is the Spring or teaching rain. The latter rain then is the harvest rain. (No harvest came in Bills days it is only taking place now at the end.) How could this (What Bill brought) be the real thing when the teaching rain (That I teach in the pamph­lets of Gods mysteries) had not come (Till 1986/7 onwards).The prophet messenger who was to be sent to teach the people (The hidden things from Bills message & the Bible) and turn the hearts of the children back to the Pentecostal (And before them like Abraham who knew God as Melchisedec) Fathers had not yet come (in 1965 when Bill was here) Thus what was thought to be a final quickening unto the rapture had not come.  (Until my message started in 1986/7) Then to proof that it was not the real (Bills message did not restore) these people (Bills organizational twin followers claiming parts of his message) even before a 2nd generation had appeared organized & wrote their unscriptural doctrines (Making Bill the 7th. angel etc.) and built their own fences (Tape libraries & meeting places) as every other group ahead of them did & married right back into mother whore.


See what an outpouring does? It quickens the real true seed to the garner & the others go right back into confusion. They do not know that they are bound to be burned. They will find out when that Holy fire sets all organizations on fire to destroy them so that nothing is left for them. They’ll be burned to ashes in the tribulations others will be stoned some will be visited with wars pests sicknesses & all sorts of evil things. Satan their father will be here to harm them cause they voted for him he is their god with his titles of Lord Jesus Christ or some name God used in ages past. I do not care how falsely I’m accused by anybody I know one day they’ll account before me at the Judgment bar. I will not have mercy on them & send them to hell. It is not a mercy bar it is a Judgment bar on all ungodliness & the ones given grace will be ones that did an elect a good deed or loved ones of the elect. I am going to be there with Gods latter day bride just a few of us to send millions of this generation to hell. We are going to enjoy that very much to send the pastors with their red faces & their groups & whore wives to hell where they come from. God is condemning the world with His Voice from His elect vessels.


Rain is rain & although the former rain looks like the latter rain & has some of the same values & things built into it. The formal rain got chickens & weeds trapped if they do not continue with the former rain into the latter rain then they are out of focus with the Word. Any person in tune with Gods Word will have both the former & the latter rain & see God in both messages speaking the same thing & then as the Life continues go from the one message to the next as the Life move onwards & up wards. Hallelujah. Bills former rain message were telling of a rain that was coming. We have by the grace of God both falling. Bills faded out as God moves onwards all the time as His Life is reaching for the new age & Millennium. My message is the latter teaching rain. I don’t have time to mess about with hair issues wear this or that.  I will teach on that if the Spirit wants to help His own with certain things they might need. I teach a serious doctrine that is why God sent me to earth so that this message can restore you back to God. If elected you will see that the dragnet caught all sorts of fish snakes & turtles & that there is a great sorting taking place as all snakes & turtles are rejected & the true fish taken to the Masters table. Abraham had to reject the carnal Ishmael to continue on with God. God told him to let them go then God blessed him. Come out from amongst organized people if you want blessings of God or be damned with them & get the curses of God that is ready to be poured out on all that drink from the whores cup of iniquity.

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Wesley Luther Bill Rev.11 & myself are the ones God uses to bring back the whole thing.  This message is the Word itself cause all other before me went home & never did a complete restoration. The carnal twins died by thinking those guys had all the truth when they only had a part. Bills message was the closest thing to it yet miles & years away from this real thing we have this day. Bills foreshadowing & compound types really pointed to my minis­try. Outpourings of the Holy Spirit are the Spirit itself acting out through Bill Christ the head of prophets. But he was not the prophet of the Laodicean age that is Thus saith the Lord God  Melchisedec is His Name. Bill was a reformer & his reformation message never got the church to rapture. He confessed that his revival was a organizational revival, yet his message brought the real Mal.4 on the scene after him. The outpouring of Life that continued on from that message made the real prophet  of  Mal.4 identify the real true Word & what God want him to do. Just as Mal.4. coming to Israel will get his commission from this message of the pamphlets. Bill was still preaching church & never saw what we saw that’s why his people are going to be killed by God. God blinded them purposely they are the carnal offspring.


From Bills organizational revival an image was formed to the beast like it did with all others before him. Yet the Life & truth brought forth sons of God in the image of God.  Bills revival brought forth billions of church chickens not in a bride pattern at all. They will be killed in the tribulations if they don’t die before that time then be raised up again to be preached to at the judgment bar. If they are elected to Life they will get the white robes of free unmerited grace or martyr robes. They will then see the real lamp that’s in Gods hand & will be rudely awakened to the fact that it never was Bill. Bill will be there & say I told you ( Charlie) Carel was after me the messenger to the age. I said ask Carel if it isn’t right. He is the one I brought on the platform & the one who appeared to me & stood next to me when the 7 angels appeared.  He was the 7th. angel as I told you the noted one who watched me more than all others. Then you might say oh I believed a lie cause so & so said Bill was the 7th. angel. Bill will tell you that you were deceived. By then you will know it already cause you landed in the regions of the doomed for rejecting Gods office of Life to you. You must & will spent the next 1,000 years in the prison-house awaiting the great judgment & the 2nd. resurrection. Seals 489 tell how the people will be judged that accepted Bills message.

11 )

Vol.3:15. Restoration of bride tree.

75) Four Life messengers restores the tree. There were 4 great prophets (Bi11 called Wesley & Luther  prophets so calling himself a prophet & saying do you believe me to be Gods prophet means nothing. He called reformers prophets & made it clear that a prophet in that sense of the Word is a preacher not a teacher.) There were 4 great prophets. One of them Martin Luther Justification, Wesley

Sanctification & after Wesley came a stronger than him (Bill) Pentecostal with the baptism of the Holy Ghost in another great prophet

See? Understand? If not, then tell me who was the great prophet that brought  the baptism of the Holy Ghost & the restoration of gifts? I tell ye Thus saith Melchisedec it was Bill Branham with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. But in the last days (Not in 1965 that is past days) But in the last days Elijah is to come with the very Word. (76) The 4th. was the Word itself, the Word made flesh. First Justification, then Sanctification then baptism with the Holy Ghost then the coming of the cap (Capstone ministry) That Pyramid will stand again. I have a picture of the completed Pyramid God gave me the pyramid capstone  Headstone message to His bride. It is glorious I tell you. (77) Mal.4 comes shining through the darkness (Of organizations) to bring the evening Light on the predestinated Word. What is the fourth message to be? To shine the Light on the Word. The Word is predestinated. No wonder outsiders can’t see these things cause the Word wasn’t predestinated for them it is for the brides eyes only. Glory.


Seals Book 464. You see each one of those Ages (Luther etc.) only taken a dip in the Holy Spirit, Justification is a work of the Holy Spirit, Sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, but the baptism is the Holy Spirit, and that’s the reason  it took a prophetic prophet to come (Christ Himself) no messenger to the age (In Bills time, but Christ as the prophetic prophet) no messenger to the age (That Bill lived in) Because the Holy Ghost came Himself in His fullness in the baptism (Outpouring baptism message) But at the end of the age (1987 onwards after Bills outpouring Holy Ghost baptism message) But at the end of the age we find there then the messenger is sent & all these scruples & things (That Bill was the 7th. angel & things that was left unopened & not fully revealed or left in darkness or not interpreted) Are to be placed in their  places like that. Then the rapture comes to the bride. Bill sure left a lot of scruples God ordained it to be that way. Scruple means: To hesitate to believe, to be unsure of a doctrine. A thought or circumstance that troubles the conscience, to doubt. Bills message left a lot of things in darkness that Gods latter day pamphlet messages clears up & has been clearing up since 1987. Praise God.

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An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is God Himself that comes amongst the people like He did on Pentecost. Do not  forget that all at Pentecost & those that were in the upper room died  & not one of them was raptured. So back to Pentecost would be back to death. Get back to God who He was in the beginning in the seed chapter the Tree of Life & Gen.14:18. The Most High God. Outpourings of  the Spirit make people get the wrong ideas & things & they make Bill Elijah when he was not that person & denied it. He made it clear the 7th. angel will identify himself & Bill denied he was that angel. An outpouring covers the whole Bible & touches the mysteries that is on the outside & Bills ministry failed to bring that not that it was his fault no it was not the time then. He brought what was for his day & my message could not have worked then but it sure works now exposing the anti-Christ’s as false & carnal. This true message of God will get the bride away from here & show her the escape route to Glory-land.  All the outpourings in Bills ministry that God poured  Himself  out showing what was coming they applied to one man. That is where they failed God.


Seals (460) There has been so much cults and clans raise up (Claiming Bill as Elijah etc.) Over little outpourings of the Spirit until people gets all worked up and a bunch of stuff & go out & start another little move, you don’t want to do that now ( Forming a get together or home meeting) Calling Bill Elijah when he didn’t even have an El in any of his names. Bill taught God has a Daniel & an Elijah coming as future after him. How can God fail when Bill taught even the names & address of the 7th. angel? Everything is perfect there is a lot of  confirmation who the real one is  names & doctrines. God has 2 El’s in the messengers’ first two names apart from the Superna­tural things of his Surname all still 21 or 3 X 7. Yep you are in trouble with God cause an outpouring of a message of long ago makes you want to drink that rotten stag­nated waters that tell people to go to church, when the Spring & fountain of Life says, I’m a living fountain that didn’t die in 1965 when a reformer died. The carnal twin started groups & organizations again. I am outside all those things come on the outside of all organizations & stand with me by my side. I am the door One Name Melchisedec all other names were referring to His One Name Melchisedec.


The Laodiceans are in very serious trouble with God for saying God died & making Bill their god when he was just a man. They are using Bill as an intercessor like the Catholics do. Sure they had light but went back on it & are right back in bed  with the pope & the organizational system that is Gods greatest & biggest enemies. God knocked enough trying to get into the individual’s hearts. The carnal groups & people sinned away their days of grace as He has stepped forth in His wrath. He is outside any gather place & church building or home meetings  & will stone the carnal people for rejecting His Word for the Age. My sincere wish is that God will burn these bastards as soon as possible so that we can get to our land of rest in Him. Yes they are guilty of adultery & their own mouths condemn them. They are quick to tell you a few titles & names & say I am married to Lord Jesus Christ that are names the devil now wears copied & impersonated. Gods beloved you must never fear death. God overcome that little thing & death forever the 2nd death is for those that are not in Gods original plan. Be ye true faithful pilgrim & even if you’ve lost a loved one or went through terrible trials & purging.  I tell you the good news it is to your best that it happens the way God makes things happen. No matter how much death & all sorts of aff1ictions come your way hold your head up high & give the world a smile.


Satan  is a roaring lion going around see­king who he may devour. You are more than over-comers & God is in your midst He has His eye on you. He is faithful to His own. As King of Peace He gives us inner peace that only He can give to the troubled soul. Rest in Christ & comfort your hearts with His Holy Spirit cause He has the whole world in His hands. You will surely not loose your reward & enter one day with your loved ones into glory. You believed Him now also trust in Him. He is faithful & can give the desire of a believers heart to them & nothing is impossible for Him as He makes ways where there is no ways. When Lazarus’s sister met Him she said even if my loved one is dead I know that with Thee all things are possible & that Thou art the giver & creator of Life. I tell you a fact that the elect of God can speak the Word & God will perform the miracu­lous in a Supernatural way.  He controls the living how much more the sleeping that are enjoying Life in His presence Rest ye in that that your loved ones offspring & household are save in His arms in glory. I am addressing the elect of God here. Yes trust  & rest in Him. Comfort your hearts with His Word Psalms Biblical or pamphlet readings. I tell you it works like a bomb to read His Word all the time & see it come alive before your eyes in its season.


Outpouring’s has a lot of people ready for the tribulations. Millions who think they are saved will be fodder for the Millenium. Gods elect are the only ones considered redeemable God made a way of escape for them that He made possible as the Pathfinder & One who went ahead & over-come all death hell & the grave to lead us to Life. He is the way the escape out of any trial & torment & leads His own by the still waters of evergreen grass in His valleys of Life. The tree of Life flow’s Life flows through the veins of the elect of God. You are an offspring from that tree that is why you identify His Name from the beginning cause you were with Him then. He will make an escape way for you & your loved ones. Job said hide me in the grave till Thine wrath be passed  & there are others resting in Him. We will join them when we go home to rest eternally with them & our God. Ask God for His outpouring of the season to fill your soul. I tell you that you can have the desire of your heart.







18)                                                                                                            (5)

Ask God for this outpourings in your  soul this message & light of the Season. This is an outpouring you must not miss & the last to the people of God. I don’t care who says otherwise. You stay before God till He has poured His whole mes­sage into you then you seek more strength & truth till you are caught away. Do not stop for anything that is in the way as you progress with the truth. He has programmed you already to do what you’re going to do & say what you will say. He makes it clear that he orders His righteous seed the footsteps of His own seed from His tree of Life. Our footsteps are His orders He orders & directs them. You might think you just drove to a certain place by instinct no sir all things happen according to Gods preplanned purpose in our lives. God watches over you & has His Eyes on you & will surely lead you through. Get some strength in them tired legs be true soldiers of the cross. Keep loving Him if He does not give you something you ask for let Him have His way He knows what’s good for you & will grand other requests. God is in control of the whole matter. Don’t look at the dark-clouds but look at the angels’ wings that make the picture. I tell you He has mercy on whom He wants to & mercy on His brides loved ones. For the bride mercy on any of her loved ones is just a prayer away. Don’t ever be discouraged when He does not give you something you ask for straightaway or things turn out the opposite to your expectations. You will one day look back & say thanks Master you knew what was good for me at that time & Season, I was in turmoil & couldn’t understand at the time when the test was on. Now I see that all things work for the good to those that love Thee. Glory be to our King.


Gods outpouring of this Season is rejected by so-called believers it stumbles them. What is death to some like the waters in Noah’s days is life to others. God is alive in His message pouring Himself out to His bride. He is the waters’ of Life & whosoever drinks this water lives forever. Most people prefer the bro­ken cistern of other ages & messages of 1965. That carnal part of those messages are  filled with  bilharzias  & germs  like an oil spill. The carnal twin joined the Whore Council Of Churches & are completely contaminated so the people that drink that muck. They talk like a drunk whore & say oh we must love in other words make love to me or my church or in the message of some other time group.  My advice to you is when God sends water your way or an outpouring,  fill your cup & drink abundantly. Do not worry about tomorrow or where this or that going comes from. God will provide & will care for you. Be married to the great King of Kings. He owns everything & will send things your way that will absolutely amaze you. He will drop things your way & in your pocket that you will admit it is God all the time. He will provide abundantly & see to it that you don’t have any debts or have to make any. He’ll pay your house off  & where you live you’ll not have to worry about moving or running in circles. Just get an outpouring from God  & your whole lives desire will be fulfilled glory to God.


. Outpouring’s is a matter between death & life. To take that rain of yesteryear & continue with it to the real Light will help. But do not try to hold that old stagnated organizational waters over because it’ll kill you.  For many years I also believed Bill was a mighty prophet  I still believe that knowing that prophet means preacher. God lead me to the truth & the many questions that Bills ministry did not answer made me search further for the truth. I had to admit & come to full doctrine accepting Bills message as an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Bill was a reformer & didn’t know the hidden Seals. His own words were only prophets can get the Word & the Word only comes to prophets. The Word never came to him of the 7 Thunders he said he didn’t know the Thunders & that Jesus’ New Name would be revealed in the thunders. That is as easy as pie he wasn’t the messenger. Outpourings of Gods Spirit makes people say & do things & plaster names etc. on prophets that are not prophets. Even guys that interpret tongues are considered to be prophets. Bills outpouring message that God poured in former rain to us was reform rain.  Bill taught in & from a church & that you must go to church & fellowship. The Holy Spirit in between the lines of his message showed us the truth it just wasn’t for his day &  his messages made it clear a prophet was coming to clear up the scruples.


Little outpourings can be very confusion if you’re not stable & settled in the Word because it looks like the real thing. Bill was a type of Moses, Daniel, John the baptist Elijah & a type of all prophets, but only a dip of what they’re really like. The Holy Spirit came in His full baptism. He was an actor that God used to type many Bible characters through but just a dip into what they did. Do not try tell me he was John the baptist. Bills ordination was as John the baptist & the Light appeared on the water in a symbol form & people didn’t know what it was. When Gods picture was taken in the sea on the 16/4/1990 it shows His face in His wrath & we see plainly that it is God the face of a man in the Sea God Almighty. You can apply him as John as the messenger not smoking & drinking etc. but don’t forget that John was filled in his mothers’ womb with the Holy Ghost whereas Bill was told not to smoke or drink when he was 7 years old. See it is a symbol outpouring type of various characters that God used. John the baptist never went to any church & had no organizational sponsorship like Bill had so to compare Bill with that prophet is walking on thin ice. John was a hated man & considered insane by the religious clergy & church chickens & yet was the greatest prophet of all till that time. Bill was honest & said his message was a forerunning of John the baptist. So were all the other outpourings types of Christ, Elijah & Moses coming. The glory & honor belongs to God & not to man. All man comes in the flesh by sinful means & this is where the carnal twin fails by honoring the man more than the God that made the man & they set up saints as idols before them & go right back to Catholicism again. God used the foreshadowing compound type of prophets through Bill showing what was coming at the end of the age.








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COD Book.2.Page.579.Para.431. Then if this is the true message of God forerunning the coming of John the baptist (39I) But let me say this. There will come a message & there will come a messenger. It’s to be a man. It will be somebody after me.( 386) Now I’m going to be honest as I can be I don’t think I would have anything to do with that messenger. The 7th. Angel. Can you accept that? Neither has the 7th.angel anything to do with Bills whore doctrine of forming churches & groups. Later on after Bill met the 7th. angel he repeated endless times in the seals that the coming of the 7th. angel is one after him. The carnal twin from that revival cannot accept the real true messenger because they are trapped in the church age to condemnation. Gods bride has been raptured out of the church age by this message & the Voice said come up higher & see who God is. Come through the open door in Heaven & see all the mysteries.

It is no wonder they accept Jesus & some titles as names of God because the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is a name under heaven. Can you see that people are listening to a wrong voice of the organizations are trapped in Laodicea & will be damned for their refusal to accept Christ as the Word of the Season. What Voice will call them out of the church age to come up yonder & see Gods mysteries?

Rev.C.4 part 597 para.67. The very Voice Charlie (Carel) that summonsed you one day to come out from amongst them & walk with God alone is the same Voice that’ll summons you come up higher & see what is going on in Heaven.  Seals (489) These carnal people will be raised up at the judgment bar & preached to by the same people that witnessed to them of the message to come out of it  I’ve got so many here. God showed us the carnal people are already dead & will be raised after 1,000 years to be judged. The message is come out from amongst carnal people the groups & churches & walk with God alone.

23)                                                                                                         /

In modern times & conditions they call a preacher a prophet that is what Bill was. Vol.3:13.(49) But under modern conditions as Gods servant  I won’t call myself His prophet But I believe that if I wouldn’t be sent for that I’m laying a ground for him (The 7th. angel) when he does come. Vol.3:6.(35) Now I never said I was a prophet, now the English (Modern version)  version of  prophet means preacher. When Bill said do you believe me to be Gods prophet? He was asking if you believed him to be Gods preacher?  Bill was Gods preacher for that time. Bill made it very clear that the 7 Seals he preac­hed were in symbol form of what was coming the hidden Seals the Thunders.  7th.Seal 567 he said, I couldn’t make it out (Bill couldn’t make out the myster­ies that was in the seals especially the 7th Seal. The 7th. angel was strange to him. (565) The one that looked so strange to me would have been the 7th. angel coming across (From Af­rica introducing the Capstone.)  Can you see who can’t make out the mysteries in the seals? Bill said reformers can’t make it out. 1st. Seal (147) The original Bible faith is to be restored by the 7th angel all the mysteries of the seals that the reformers like Bill never understood. No good saying he understood when he said he couldn’t make it out & do not understand it. It wasn’t for his day but sure is for our day.


1st.Seal (147) The entire mystery is unfolded (Including what Bill could not see in the 7th. Seal) that is the ministry of that angel. See? It is so simple people just drop over the top of it. No wonder people are confused trying to apply him as Mal.4 as a Moses & Elijah type.

Knowing it was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit Bill  in the real strict sense of the Word has absolutely nothing to do with Eli­jah of Mal.4  him being that messenger because the world never burned & neit­her was the faith restored by his ministry. His carnal revival & ministry only bred out the most deceiving people on earth. That is what any organizational revival did before Bill produced.  The people are still over the edge with that re­vival & they have a hangover. When a person gets drunk they have a hangover the next day of wine of another day & say give me more of that wine of some other time that the whore holds out now to all nations. Then the punk gets drunk again from the cup that the whore holds out to him. The light that Bill brought was a blinding light that God used cause God had to kill of Bills people in organizations so that Gods Word can be fulfilled that says, they are blind miserable poor & naked. There is nothing as blinding as light itself. The elect of God are the only ones considered for redemption.  God used Bill & that ministry to get from the Pentecostal revival martyrs & a remnant that He is going to kill in the tribulations. Most in the message of Bill people are already sold out to Rome & worst than the Catholics. They are already in the W.C.O.C. & their leaders that are in Satan’s employ drag them to assemblies like Judas goats. They believe what the rest of all organizations believe baptizing people exactly like Rome does & have taken sides with Roman creeds & man made doctrines. They’ll cry for their blood to be avenged cause the pastors deceived them. If elected they’ll be given robes after the Millenium at the White Throne judgment bar. If they blaspheme Gods people message & messengers then hell was made for them they are heading there.

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Vol.3:I0.(16) Taking sides with Jesus.

There’s a predestinated group  to be hear (The Word) When the Lord returns & it  might not be over a dozen ( It is less than 12 going I tell you.) A prophet I’m certainly not holding the office of one. Prophets don’t evangelize. A prophet hides himself in the wilderness alone with God  (Outside fellowships and groups) He is not an evangelist holding meetings (Like Bill did & attend church services) & getting cooperation’s (From whore churches) and all these things like Evangelists do (Bill was one) Nobody knows where he is at & he is in isolation somewhere (Bill went to churches over the states) (17) I  cannot be a prophet I’m mixing the 2 offices see that is not the way a prophet operates. Bill was sure of the 7th. angel coming after him once God had him meet the angels  then that cleared up a lot of things for him whereas others tried to make him the 7th. angel he faced the fact that it was a strange man & that is why he referred more to the 7th. angel coming after him in the seals than in his entire ministry. The way that Bill operated by getting cooperation’s sponsorships etc.) A Prophet he is no evangelist at all he don’t hold meetings & discuss things. Did Bill hold meetings & discuss things? He sure did & said a prophet don’t do them things. So Bill was no prophet. You were deceived by the lies the pastors forced down your throat. Get in line with the Word now & see it unfold in its fullness. Get the new wine of the Age & you’ll be quickened to the Word of the Season. A prophet they don’t fool around with a group of churches trying to get them to come in  & take the Word  & preach these things like evangelists do. He is not an evangelist. You see brethren I don’t call myself a prophet .


I tell you this fine morning of the 13/7/90 Thus saith Melchisedec the Lord my God & only One true God that there is. William Branham was a reformer & not a prophet at all. He was a preacher indeed  & the baptism of the Holy Ghost  & outpourings in that ministry blinded the people so God could fulfill His Word that said the last age is blind to God His messengers & people.

Vol.2:11 Sirs (34) (This was after Bill saw the 7th. angel in the constellation)  And we are looking for a prophet to come, to blast this age, and turn them back. Oh God send us a fearless prophet. (See Bill prayed for one to come cause he compromised with the churches & denominations  & started a church himself) send us a fearless prophet with thus saith the Lord that the vindicated Word of God will move through it, and prove that he is sent from God (We have enough of that prove even His picture taken with us) and when He comes He will blast these ages yes sir he will. He will set that Laodicean church against him certainly he will. The Laodiceans are not against Bill they don’t know that his denominational doctrine binds them right back to mammy whore. The real message of life just continues right on into my message. (35) And didn’t we just get through & see that the prophet that would come in the last day’s (1986/7 onwards) would be that great Elijah that we have been looking for? The message that He will bring will be the mysteries on all these things. We have water Baptism (In titles of lord Jesus Christ) it’s all mixed  that is right and in the battle for truth those ends have been lost, it will take a prophet.


Sirs. (35). The Bible said that He would be here & we believe that He will, we are looking for Him, and we are looking for His manifestation, and we will see the vindicated Word of God there will be very few understand it (Not millions of Bills followers heading for the tribulations.) (35) There will be very few saved translated at that time. (Sure Bill called himself a prophet, there’s plenty Pentecostal preachers around that does that.) (39) All these mysteries that the prophets (Luther, Wesley, Bill the preachers) spoke of, will be revealed right here in the last hour, and when this 7th angel rises in the Laodicean church age to sound forth the true trumpet because it will be contrary they won’t believe it, they sure won’t believe it. But It will be an inspired prophet, because there is no way to figure it out (Bills message & the other mysteries.) That Light of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit blinded people to 1965. They sit dead sti1l organized in groups & churches living in the glare of another age of many years ago. Any animal is blinded when you flash a light in their eyes but when they get over that temporary light shock they get their senses back & fly or run away to safety. Their inner instincts frighten them & they get away from the false light that wants to catch them with a false attack on their emotions. They know they must fly away quickly to freedom before the false people engage them with a lot of foul birds & then kill them off in dry places where the tares are tied in groups called all sorts of religious & blasphemous names. Gods elect fly to Heaven to Christ the Word & hide in His rock of ages.






People sure were blinded by Bills message exactly as God said they would be through Daniel on Patmos. These pamphlet messages puts the thing in order what God really was trying to tell us. The message is to uplift Melchisedec & praise Him not some man. I am hated because I am Gods spokesman to the last age saying what God is saying expressing how God feels about this last age. I can with a clear conscience & mind absolutely say that I’m His prophet for the age. If a reformer like Bill & others could claim to be prophets how much more not the real one? I say that so that the bride will know this is the final message & no other gen­tile prophet can or will rise. There will be copiers & impersonators but God will show them up as liars. I don’t say I’m His messenger because I’m a stuffed shirt I say it because it is God that says it & it is the truth. God has by my ministry of the pamphlets & pictures etc. proved that this is indeed the Mal. 4: 6 ministry revealing the Thunders etc. Truth is truth & must be stated so. Bill said the 7th angel had his chest out sharp wings & was brighter. I don’t doubt the office I am fulfilling like Bill said if He has called me to be His prophet & not sure where they stand with a lot of lost ends etc. I tell you I am His last Voice to the age & the only thing that can follow my ministry is the bride that manifests the Word & then Rev. 11 with the 144,000.The Word progresses fast I also believed for a long time that Bill was a prophet but you can’t keep the truth hidden cause the truth is Light & light sets free from bondage. In front of you is two things either Bill was the 7th messenger or I am. The one that brings the 7 Thunders & un-organizational message & restores the faith is the true one, or the other one would lead you right back to a group & church.


Bill’s message had a lot of double standards telling people not to go to church & yet attend church services regularly.

Bill had a church & went right in amongst denominations. Prophets don’t operate like that at all. Bill as a reformer really blinded you. Bill was one of the greatest reformers but by no ways a prophet at all that is why he said. I must decrease & he increase the one that comes after him restoring the faith. Though he told people not to get organized he was himself entangled in organized religion fellowships & whore doctrines. The outpourings of the Holy Ghost in his ministry made him misunderstood. Look at his subjects that claim him as the messenger. You can see what they do & have been doing by going right back to mammy whore. Bills message the carnal part was really whore doctrine so was Luther’s & the others. Greater men then Bill was on the scene like Martin & even John whom they tried to kill & boil the Spirit out of him before rejecting him as a wizard. They all saw symbols of the real things coming but were no prophets at all. Prophets hate & curse organizations from day one & do not go to church or have fellowship meetings & getting together they hate such evil low places with disgust. Bills message was talking of the things that a prophet would do but it didn’t do that that is why  his people are back into the same mess with the Pope & all these other punks. God is going to fry grill boil & burn them to ashes.


Vol.3:14. The way of a true prophet. (I8)

That’s the way of a true prophet no co-operations (Of libraries in every nation) (20) He come in the power of the Spirit, that’s the way the Word of God comes, not in or­ganizations creed, not in a sissified something in the pulpit (Bill had to compromise to get cooperation,  I don’t need that I stand alone) (21) The first thing he would do (the 7th. angel, a true prophet) He would disagree with every organization. Bill ag­reed with the organizations to get in there & preach in the churches. Now if elected you should see where his message failed cause he was a reformer. (2I) Yes sir He would condemn our (Bill included) whole set up of groups churches & whore  doctrines & false baptisms, that’ s right every doctrine every creed, every denomination He’d condemn the whole thing (All Bills laws

& bylaws & creeds that binds people to groups & churches) He would certainly disagree with  our (Bill included) set up, what would he start doing? Tearing it down (Telling them that Bill preached a lot of creeds like all reformers before him did. (27) Everybody patting you on the back (Like millions pat Bill on the back?) then that is a sign that you are not a true prophet, that one of the very first signs that you haven’t got what you are talking about. See what Bill was talking about he never had because he came out of the Baptist Church & started a church & denominational age. Bills message was an outpouring & had more truth than all before him but still lacking the real true organizational separation. That is why the carnal twin from that denominational revival organized denominated  & are dead.

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See it’s on the verge of hypocrisy to tell people to come out of a church & that you’re not an organization when you are & have a deacon board or maybe tied to the system. God had enough of that outpouring & it made Him sick then. Bill  was on the verge of marrying  right into Rome when God took him away. Look at the people the carnal twin out of Bills revival they dried out & are bound in groups & churches. The Spiritual twin moved on she did not wait for rain she is plan­ted by the waters of Life a tree of Life by the waters of Life predestinated be­fore the foundation of the world. The Word comes to prophets only & the Word sets free. You need to come to full doctrine you can’t call Bill a prop­het & say he restored the faith when he didn’t bring the Thunders & mysteries. If he didn’t do those things then he was no prophet  that is what God says. Bills very life & the denominational revival that he brought was nothing but an age of re­form.  Bills carnal church chickens will be killed by God in the tribulations to fulfill the rest of the Word but the true Mal.4:6 will restore the bride & she’ll lay in these pamphlets to be quickened to glory.


Reformers sow creeds like false baptisms titles of God A God that has 3 names & all sorts of things Bill never practiced in his days. Bill preached it though because it was an outpouring of the Spirit of God foretelling what was coming.  God never gave him the sight to see neither did Luther or Wesley see the whole thing. The reformers were shrewd wise cunning yet they all failed including Bill cause he dragged a lot of unscriptural things along like God has 3 names, false baptisms, who the real serpents seed is. The woman Bills carnal followers’ is mystery Babylon sitting on 7 Hills William Marrion Branham. If not for that revival we would have lost out cause his revival with the rest of the Word all of it makes the whole unit for the rapture. I love that man & always did just like I love the other reformers. Those great men would have given anything to see & hear what I teach cause my message is the final message before God destroys the world.


Seals 574. God sent out the wisdom of a man. A man like head on the beast which was a power that went forth in the reformers (Bill etc.) Now did you notice every reformer no wonder that the people of these days (2001 & onwards) are still living the hangover like it was from the reformers age. They see it the way their seminaries (Branham Tab.etc.) have taught it. That was Gods way at one time (Till 1965) but we’ve lived a past that. (426) Just exactly like them reformers (Bill etc.) could not understand this Word (Hidden things) because that was the spirit of the man sent to them. It’s the Eagle Age that gets the Word & the Revelation.(427) Now if you can get back here under the seals if they ever get opened ( In our day since 1987 we see them opened) you can see exactly what God is doing, what He has done (With Bills message) and what He is going to do (The Seals reveals Acts 2:38 as an Apostles creed etc.)


Seals 250. The only thing that God ever sent His Word to was a prophet not to reformers. (Like Bill etc. Watch this now how Bill looked for a prophet to come) It wasn’t the hour for it now it is getting to be the hour and that is the reason we are watching for it to come it will be so humble and gentile ( 251) The Pentecostals are the Laodiceans they have the closest thing to the real thing so that was his message the closest thing to the real thing.  First seal (145) The reformers came to reform the last fallen church age preceding them, then after the reformers came (Like Bill did in 1909 when the L/C/Age started just before he came in 1906) and started a new c/age they have always done  it (Bill as well) He’s called a reformer, and what does he do he starts out there a hammering away, and when he does he protested the church (Denominational & Pentecostals in his days) and the first thing you know what does he do? He builds the same thing (A church on 8th. and Penn Street) that he come to drive out. Then they have another C/Age, but thanks to God at the end of the c/age. I am here to set them right. (145) Another reformer (Bill) he builds another c/age Do you get what I (God) mean? Another C/A was built up (Under Bills ministry they were all reformers) Notice this last message of the last  church age, is not a reformer he is a prophet  he is not a reformer show me where one prophet ever started a c/age  Bill started the c/age ,  but the real angel comes after the c/age ends.

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Seals. (145)

Reformers, but yet they were great men of God, and saw the need of the day (Till 1965 Bill saw the need for that Age) that they lived in, and God anointed them, and they were sent out there and tore those things to pieces but the  full word of God never come to them, because they were not prophets, they were reformers. But in the last day’s it’ll have to be a prophet to take up the mysteries because the mysteries would only be known by prophets so it has to be this fellow (Carel) coming. It has to be somebody that is gifted, that set there (In Africa) That catches that Word. (147) The others were reformers, but by being great men of God (Bill sure was one) seeing the need of the day, and brought forth reformation, but Revelation 10 says, his message was to reveal not reform reveal the secrets it’s the Word in the man. This man (Carel) is not a reformer. He is a revealer, revealer of what?  The mysteries of God (That Bill and all others never saw. (148) Now we are looking for that person to appear on the scene he will be so humble (Outside all organizations and has a humble pamphlet ministry to the bride with God backing up the ministry with pictures etc.) Mal.4, as soon as that messenger goes forth, the world is completely burned (It never burned in 1965 you fool) Oh my if you get here in Revelation and see what that messenger at the end of this age (1987 onwards) is supposed to do then you will see what it is. He must be a prophet he has got to catch these ends (Bill left) that these reformers didn’t see and place it in there. Place Melchisedec in there.


I don’t care how much you hate me it is cause your father the devil hates God & Gods true Word. Bill said I would be hated. I couldn’t care cause I hate you & my God hates you & even hated you before you came to earth, like He hated Esau. That is why He is going to let your eyes turn to ashes in your lousy skulls in the atomic war that’s coming. Your faces are going to be red when you realize you’ve blasphemed & slan­dered a real prophet of Gods message that was absolutely the truth. The angry face of God as the sea-picture shows taken with me will hunt you down & you’ll shout oh God let the rocks fall on me. They won’t & you’ll pray to God in all sorts of things & it won’t help His  wrath  will be against you  your own mind will condemn you for what you’ve done & said about this message. Whether you’ve taken sides with it in your day & stood with it & got it to others or helped to get it there. Just forget about it if you think God is going to go back on His Word. He is in His wrath against compromiser’s they will get death hell & destruction from Him.  To His own He gives life to the ones who accepts His message lives it & abiding with the rules as laid out in these pamphlets. I see that not many are going to make it cause the hangover of Bills reform message makes them deny the Word in the pamphlets. God said He was going to speak through His prophet for the Age & that there’s only one prophet to the Age.


I stand alone & always  stood alone against the whole organizational world & in the message of Bill’s people. I do not allow church services or group fellowships. I’m outside the whole system there’s pictures of God with me on the Rock & Sea-pictures. He is identi­fied with the Word I teach & you will not escape His wrath if you reject His message. Hear me well you have neglected to do what God told you to do to line up with His entire Word. Do what you must do & do it quickly cause your works haven’t been found perfect before God. If it is a separating or whatever command He instructs you to do, do it quickly cause the time is running late & you might find yourself in hot water for being in disobedience & walking along with a bunch of in the message of Bill’s people that’s cursed by God. I tell ye come out from amongst them or go into the tribulations with them. For the obedient there’s a way of escape in Christ’s  City Melchisedec. There are many Scriptures & quotes that prove beyond any shadow of any doubt that Bill was a reformer. I’ve given you Thus saith God that Bill was a refor­mer now you line up with the Word. Nothing Bill ever did was an operation of what a prophet does. Bill was in an organization claiming things that prophets do & will do after him. Get away from the idea that he was a prophet he never was. The outpouring of that ministry tied people back into dry places organizations & mark of the beast. Flee for your life to Christ the Word.

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You can see clearly how the people behave & formed churches claiming Bill as the 7th. angel. It shows his message was lacking a lot or it would have restored. Bill started a denominational age & left lots of loose ends that came along that he never could make out.

Don’t tell me he didn’t start a organization you might fool a pig we know better than that & are wiser than the beast people. Gods bride sure is wise in Gods Word revelations. Gods’ bride is wiser than millions all over the world that wonders after the beast that preaches Bills doctrine of joining & attending fellowships. The 7th. Angel do not start organizations like Bill did & is against it.

Seals (143) This messenger of the 7th. church age if you will notice it, he doesn’t start a denomination (On the corner of 8th. & Penn Streets with world wide Evangelizing & tape libraries) like the rest of them did (Bill included) He is against it.


Mal.4 the same prophet of Rev. IO:7  will have 2 jobs to do. You must admit that Bills ministry failed to do those 2 jobs. C/a/book.(327) One: according to Mal.4, he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the ministries of the 7 Thunders in Rev.10. which are the revelations contained in the 7 seals. Bill couldn’t make that out he said in the 7th. seal. What was in those Thunders (Gods real Name etc.) No one knows (Bill didn’t know & neither does his people) but we need to know. (He included him­self) but we need to know & it will take a prophet to get the Revelation, cause God has no other way of bringing out His Spiritual revelations except by a prophet. So all Bills discerning lines & whatever miracles God performed through him was laid to waste when it came to the Seals when he said. Seals (462) Never in any time of my ministry have I ever worked into the realms of God. Beyond anything that I did in anytime in  my ministry. (525) Of all my time in services, No matter what I have discernment’s miracles healing etc. I have seen great miracles performed of course before in healing services but this is beyond that. It’s been one of the great times highlights of my life. What about us that see so much deeper & better than what Bill did, it’s highlights for  us as well. Glorious to see what he didn’t see & now his people made history to show what they’ve missed & are missing.


C/A/Book 328. First  this age will have one prophet messenger (That was not Bill cause he never brought the Thunders or restored the faith & denied he was the star of the age.) (329) I deny upon the infallible evidence of the Word that there is more than one major prophet messenger who will reveal (Not reform like Bill did) reveal the mysteries as contained in the Word & who has the ministry to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. A few years ago a punk quoted that to me, trying to tell me it was Bill.  I said to him do you believe it is one man?  He said yes, I said where is he? Cause Bill has been dead for 23 years at that time it was he couldn’t answer me. The bastard then started attacking me personally cause he couldn’t find fault with the Word.  I ripped him apart & felt real good afterwards. I love it to tell them hey you bastard God hates you, you are going to hell to believe perverted doctrines. It is the truth that God does hate them & His coming is to bless one & curse another. God uses my ministry to bring judgment on them cursing them away before His face. I tell you it’s nice to curse them here & over at the judgment bar sent them to hell where they belong.  I’m surely going to enjoy that white Throne Judgment with all Gods redeemed from all the ages.


C/A/Book (248) His decisions were so wrong that an uprising took place (In the mes­sage people that started groups & churches) and thousands were killed into churches again. He meant well but once he had let himself be entangled in a church state Gospel (Registering Branham Tab. etc.) He had to reap the whirlwind. But for all that God used Martin Luther (Also Bill. ) Let it not be said that his in­tentions were wrong (We’ll get to that later on and show his intentions) Let it only be said that His judgment failed & his people are in the same & a worst rut than what they came out of. They are not only marked by the beast into organized religion but have formed the image of the beast. I tell you to flee from organized religion. If you believe me to be His messenger you’re doing well come out from all fellowships & you’re even doing better separate yourself from them & come out of Babylon.


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People’s concept of simplicity is a preacher that goes around opening new churches setting up libraries preaching from the best pulpits. I tell you that’s a good sign they are not a prophet at all. What God did through John compare Bill with John the Baptist there is no comparison at all. John had absolutely no pulpit & cursed the whole religious system. What church did John go to Branham tabernacle? Where did Jesus go to church to get His training, in the Baptist church like Bill did? You guys have been deceived to hell because no prophet ever came from a church or had any church -sponsor­ing program. They condemned organized religion from its foundation to the top. It was never Gods will to built churches & groups.


Vol.9:5.(16) Therefore the church  (Bride) is not an organization. The bride is not a gathering of people. The bride is the people of God that’s been called out of the world (Called from the in the message people of Bill) to serve in another Kingdom. See what an outpouring does? It pours out what God wants the people to do in the future. Bill never did those things. God had him operate like that so that God could get people from the churc­hes, but that won’t work today cause it failed in 1965 already. The people didn’t want the truth of the Seals. Bill was rejected alone in the desert out there with no open door in the world so is the bride rejected except us who matured on his spiritual message that is Christ. (66) The bride of the living God can never be any certain group it cannot be an organization it has to be a mystical body. Why do you attend group services Sunday Schools & tape play­ing ceremony’s? Cause you’re trying to do what was done in 1965 & that won’t work now. This is another time place & message God quit working like that years ago.


Simplicity 51. The hour has come, when your message will stray the world. Do you know what stray means? Wonder deviate from the right way or from virtue & lose ones way or get separated from flock. Bills message has done just that to most of the martyrs. I tell you they’re gone dead & don’t know it yet. They have wondered away from the real things of God that is hidden behind the message that is Gods hidden manna for His bride. To make Bill a prophet is to absolutely deny Christ the Word.  Bill was no comparison with Johns’ shoe- laces I tell you.  Simplicity (49) What was the evidence of a prophet? The word of God was with Him. What did you go to see a prophet? But I say unto you even more than a prophet. He was a messenger of the covenant. (50) He never preached like a preacher (Cause He was a teacher) he used the terms of simplicity of God.  John was the messenger between two Covenants. The bridge between the law & grace a dispensational change where God became man He used Jesus Name as a title telling of His new name coming. What about now when mercy is spurned  & just about over if not already God comes & had His picture taken as we see in Rev. 10 one foot in land & one in sea over here in Africa. I told you I saw that rock come alive here in Africa & judgment swept this nation. There is my picture with Him in both instances rock & sea. Bill is not in the Supernatu­ral picture at all. He was outside the picture standing with Joe on top of the rock. The carnal people are in very serious trouble. They must & will account for rejecting this humble ministry.


(50) God hiding in Simplicity in John. (48) Jesus asked them the same thing what did you go to see? Did you go to see a man dressed with a priest robe (Or suit) & soft clothing that kind of preacher (John wasn’t like that. He said them kind kiss the babies (Like Bill had dedicational services of babies in Branham Tabernacle) and bury the dead (Bill did that to) they don’t know nothing about a 2 handed sword on the battlefront (Then the reformers say, you must go to church, or we don’t have a place to fellowship. Bill asked God that & said to God I have one open door in the na­tion as far as I know, and God said what is that  thee? (Vol.19:3(192) See God aint  interested in his people attending meetings, so He said what is that to thee follow thou Me.(Simplicity 48 Cont.) They’re in Kings palaces (Bill also prayed for a king.) They prayed for that kind of celebrity & business men’s fellowships. Starting more groups & churches to mother whore. Bill was no type of John the Baptist his mes­sage was outpouring, it’s a shame to compare Bill with such a great man as John the Baptist they were miles apart.

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Show me where John compromised with the rulers & kings in his day. He told them that they were living in adultery it cost him his life. He wasn’t caring about a group or preaching in any Tabernacle. Bring John the Baptist on the scene here this Winter morning & put a lot of fine dressed ministers behind Bill on the pulpit. John would say who are these punks with the nice suits & dresses what’s this all about get me out of here. I wasn’t built for this getting together & people fellowshipping playing church trying to get people over into my message. You come to Jordan in the muddy waters where God is that’s where I’m at. I can’t fit in here & feel out of place with these Moses disciples talking church  I’m not built for that. Take me to the wilderness where I can talk to God in nature & see the sun setting over the hill & see the animals & insects. God speaks to me a message in His great nature. The hills & wilderness places are alive with the sound of Gods revelation music that He interprets to me.


The outpourings of the Spirit in Bills ministry were completely misunderstood. People try with natural conceptions to put the Word together. God promised us that He would sent a prophet that the Word comes to & God has done just that. I challenge anyone to come sit down that is not a fool. One that hasn’t been indoctrinated with perver­ted doctrines & sperms of the devil to believe the lie that Bill was the 7th.Angel. I will show you by absolute natural & Supernatural interpretations what God has done via my simple humble ministry exactly what He said He would do & are doing. There’s the thun­ders’ that He revealed. No message on earth is like this one because I hate Satan’s killers of the Word & speak against organized religion having no self-gain in mind. I don’t need peop­les cooperation I need Gods He is my help & looks after His Word. He even had His picture taken with me that is absolute clear identification.


My motive is not to condemn Bill at all I love him & watched him more than the others It is his so-called followers that are spitting Bill & Christ in the face by not believing what God said would be here.  I watched his every move that’s why I know he was a reformer. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit that he had in his ministry has helped & will help us to the end because this ministry is a ministry that shows up Bills Supernatural ministry of the 3rd. Pull. No other ministry on earth sees what we see & we have a picture of Melchisedec  our God as plain as can be. Sure we brag, we brag on our God. We have a picture of the King of kings stooping down in simplicity to stand by His humble people that take Him at His Word & believe His pamphlets. My whole set up in life is summed up in one word simplicity. I am built for that & that is why I don’t care about groups & getting in here or there. I’m happy alone to just sit & type putting the messages in whatever form He wants me to put it in.


I have never in my entire life belonged to any group church or had my name on any church book. My name is in Gods Books & that is important. I’m not impressed or indoc­trinated by any outside interference or preaching of any person. What I put on paper is what I get from God direct. God backs up His Word cause it aint mine it is His Word that He backs up. I don’t need any patting on the back or be told do this or that or you’re this or that. I’ll quickly tell a man that comes with that idea of giving praise to man to give praise to God cause God He provided the Lamb that died for our lost sins. God is the Lamb Melchisedec. I can’t save any man neither could Bill or anyone else God is Savior  & redeemer. Why give praise to an instrument like a trumpet? Praise ye the blower that blows His breath of Life to you via His Word of Life for the Season. I recommend that all men lift up their hands praising God cause He is mighty in battle & has used even His outpourings of reformers to be a blessing. How much more will the real thing His true Word interpreted for the season not quicken you His elected seed to glory? Just like Israel was a seed laying in the dark soil of Egypt’s slavery then God sent His prop­het to deliver His people. The seed was watered with the latter rain of Judgment the true elected wheat plant bride grew right out of Egypt into the promised land. The tree of Life puts forth Melchisedec right from the very roots in Genesis in the garden of Eden till the end.  He is the true vine & tree of Life going through His various growing stages as He became man stepping down from glory to become a Kinsman redeemer.

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We cannot have a solid foundation & all the Word hooking together unless we place Bill & all reformers  in their appropriate places. We have nothing against those great reformers at all we love them & we are going to spend eternities with them over yonder. They saw the need for their day & that helped us. Bills inner Life message helped us to get away from organizations & we separated from Babylon.  You can go this or that way & run around in circles & still he confused unless you know what office the man had. If he was a prophet he would have brought the 7 thunders & restored the faith. He did not do that so he was not a prophet. Although the prophetic ministry of Christ can make any­one believe he was a prophet & calling him a prophet I sure did & have. I know better now cause I know what Bill meant when he said prophet means preacher. What I really mean in that sense of the Word is preacher prophet means preacher.  Bill was a great preacher & not the prophet of Mal.4:6 or Rev.IO:7, cause then we would have had the 7 Thunders when he left in 1965.  God only unfolded the 7 Thunders since my ministry started out. We have got to he honest with Gods Word & not misplace it or try make prophets out of people that are not prophets. Accept the fact that he was a re­former or your whole picture of the Bible will be mixed up & you’ll be guilty of making prophets out of guys that are not prophets but reformers. If they didn’t do what the Word says they must do then we need this great truth of placing Bill where he belongs as a reformer & then get all other creeds out of the way. Once your foundation is solid then you can build to glory. If not then your house will fall back into the organizations.


C/A/Book.(323) I doubt very much if any age (Laodicea included) truly knew the mes­senger that God sent unto them except in the first Age where Paul was the messenger & even in that Age many did not recognize him for what he was. And the Age was not even over yet in 1965 & millions claimed Bill was the 7th. angel. How dras­tically wrong were those guys & they don’t know the Scriptures & don’t know Gods plans & program at all. (325) There is absolutely no doubt that Elijah must return .(328) And since it is only the children whose hearts will be turned (To the tree of life Melchisedec) It is only the children who will listen. Now in this last day’s (Not 1965 when he said that) But in the last days there is to be a prophet &  the infallible Word says that he the prophet will reveal the mysteries to the end time people (Not the 1965 people of 25 years ago. That was not the end time you low down idiot) now watch what a true prophets message is, not compromising.

52) C/A/Book.( 339.)

The Word has been put aside (For groups and libraries) so God says,  I am going against you all (All Bills people) I will spue you out of my mouth, this is the end (1965) For 7 out of 7 ages  I have seen nothing but men esteeming their own word (Saying Bill was a prophet & the 7th.angel ) above Mine. So at the end of this age (From 1986/7 onwards) I am spuing you out of my mouth (Via the pamphlet messages) It is all over, I am going to speak alright, yes I am here in the midst of the bride, the Amen of God, the Faith full  & true will reveal Himself  & it will be by my prophet, Oh yes that is so, Rev.I0:7 (That wasn’t Bill) He is sending a vindicated prophet. He is sending (Future to 1965) a prophet after almost 2,000 years. He is sending someone who is so far from organization (Who never belonged to the Baptist church or was ordained there as a minister like Bill was) and the world of religion, that as John the Baptist  & Elijah of old. He will hear only from God (No deacon boards & trustees or organizational programs etc.) He will be Gods mouthpiece. He will bring back the elect of the last day & they will hear a vindicated prophet give the exact truth as it was with Paul. (And more than what Paul had because all mysteries are to be made plain to Gods elect that needs the translation faith.)


And so far I have personally printed & put in print more than any Bible character that ever lived. More in pamphlets then anyone before me personally typed & written not copied from tapes like they did Bills message. I am bragging on Melchisedec. I have personally amidst all the onslaughts of hell & terrible birth-pains written more Word in the pamphlets than any Bible reformer or prophet before me. These pamphlets are the Bible it’s the hidden things that’s on the outside of the Bible. I did thousands of pages of the mysteries of God to glorify God. (340) There is another people in the land (1986/7 onwards till the end) who under their messenger, will be the final voice to the final age (How can you say it is Bill when his Voice was stilled in 1965 already) So God is turning on her (The harlot) He will. confound her (Confuse them) through the prophet & the bride . Yep my ministry is sure confusing them it is God doing that to cut them of & away.  He sure hates them like we hate them.

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Here’s some comforting news & music for the bride. I saw on T.V. re­cently  a program  Ripley’s believe it or not. There was a man that converted a big massive cave on a mountain- side into a cave music auditorium round about 1954. The mans name was Pringle. He would take the different rocks that were in the cave Stalagmite & Stalactite’s. You know what those words mean one grows down & one up as the water drips & hardens. The chemical bodies like calcium carbonate becomes rock. I’ve been to some of those caves around here & in the Cape & Eastern Transvaal & you still see the water dripping forming through the eternal Ages. This man took a tune pipe in there & honed the rocks down so that each & everyone had a different tone. He then took an electric coil like you use on an electric guitar pick up & he had hammers like piano hammers with rubber fronts. He linked the coils & hammers to his big massive cave organ. When he pressed a certain note on the organ the hammer would hit the rock & bring the sound from that rock into clear view as beautiful music. The electrified coil amplified the sound & the most beautiful music flowed from those rocks the most heart-warming that you’ve ever heard. Each & every one of those rocks big or small has a hammer on them all linked to the organ. That man would go in there & play the most beautiful music & strange that the music tones are sweet mellow sounds that brings tears to the eyes of a discerning listener.


Look at the great King He has His rocks all honed & chopped to size by His prophets so that His Headstone message fits lovely into their inner beings. All the edges rounded off till the sound He wants the Word for the Season comes out of them. He tunes them with His still small Voice till they’re in tune with his Voice for the Season & time. The Master player of the souls heart-strings then get in behind the keyboard of  His Word  & press the notes to extract from them their different tones of His Word of the Season. From the rocks that were once hidden in darkness & rejected by men, trapped in the cold chambers of the organizations where the bats hang out, those rocks now rings out from the deepest chambers & passages of Gods Word the most beautiful music. The deep calling unto the deep glory to the living God. They might not be seen by the normal passer by but these are mine saith the Lord. Touch not Mine oil & wine. I see the great player of the hidden music walk in there with hair like wool. He would sit down there with a robe of pure white. He touches His notes softly & they ring out from the darkness glory to God I am touched & have been touched by the Masters hand. I am quickened back to before the foundation of the world that is why I am not deceived. This is what I have been looking for & what I wanted  the pamphlet messages. Hear how all the notes together forms a chord it rings out here to me now a song I put on Video for you the other day in English & Afrikaans. The song is called This is like heaven to me. I see the mighty angel with one foot in land & the other like a  pillar in the Sea. I see Gods mysteries & thunders revealed & this is like heaven to me. Hallelujah I rejoice in my God.


You say aren’t you lonely or long for fellowship? No sir not at all I am in the best company there is Gods company. I am fellow-shipping with a great King far superior to any human being. I’ve walked this lonely rejected road all my life & never have I ever wanted to belong to a group or church. Denominations turn my stomach upside down & make me bilious like they do God. I hate fellowship meetings & group assembling gathering in creeds. Some pastor will stand up that knows nothing of God & preach his creed of a message of a reformer that went home in 1965. I tell you God is able of these stones to make sons to Abraham. Do not call Bill your father when God can raise stones out of the dungeons of dark unbelief. The Master can & will get them from man made caves where their bodies are laid in groups & churches maybe & cut them into His format of the Word of the Season. Then He can get good music out of them & make the whole surrounding a music hall playing unwritten music to a hearer that loves the Word. It just takes the Masters touch to get to them & cut all creeds & organizational ideas from them. The touch of the Masters hand brings forth out of dark organizations a people that’s playing the hidden music of the King that makes the heart-bells ring out the praises of God our great conqueror & healer.


See why the stones are honed to welcome back the Capstone so that the music from His various rocks His people is all the same. What the King plays His wife plays & sings out in the echoes of His Word. What the Kings desire is get immediate responds by just the touch of His finger on a note & it rings out by His stripes I am healed, my loved ones are saved.  I shall fear no evil for Thou art with me always. I believe that the King will carry me through any storm. He will not rest like with Ruth until He has fully redeemed us back to Him. His touch from glory makes the dead jump up & rise & shout more let us hear more off  that. Feed my soul with living waters from the rock. Although it took thousands of years to form the rock with water daily still dripping as it mature to perfection. God can & will get His music out of them to His honor & glory. They were predestinated before the foundation of the world. They were always chips from the great diamond. The great Headstone of the temple is so in love with His rocks His subjects because like a mirror they reflect what He reflects the rainbow light through the diamond. They ring out exactly whatever note He touches for them to ring out as He presses His notes & keys in glory to make us ring out His glorious Light of the Word for the season.











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It might take a long time for you to be discovered  before Gods Light comes your way. If it does then you must accept it & yield  to the great Diamond cutter. He knows just exactly what to cut away  to make you ring out the right tune. You might think you can take another’s place but He wants a sound out of you that the others can’t make. It is no good if the whole organ gives one tone. It would be boring & be like a tinkling cymbal. When different notes are pressed & chords are formed in harmony singing according to the whole Word of the hour then I tell you God enjoys the music. No matter where you are situated or in what a condition you are in. God has you connected to His Lambs Book of Life His Word. Maybe you are out of sight & pushed off to one side & rejected somewhere in a corner, God will press the note & then you respond to His call. He’ll catch you away before any harm comes to you & you’ll ring out glory to God I’m going home. No matter how small you feel  & might look against the opposition God has His eyes on all His notes (Rocks), And if a note don’t ring out when the Master touches it, it upsets the whole program & music of the Season. Ask any musician you can’t play a  tune if a note is dead on a piano or keyboard. So the Master gets His own honed & tuned so that they ring out what He wants them to ring out of  the Word for the season. Oh say  but  I’m glad, I’m glad, Melchisedec has come & my cups over run. Oh when He touched the notes of His Bible so softly  I hear Him play the hidden manna from the great diamond stone excavated from His Bible mine the Word. I stand amazed at His great Salvation, no matter how inferior or small you are. God needs all the notes to be able to play this Word out of the last days it is glorious.


Can you see why Bill said the 7th. angel was a noted angel? God knew He was gonna need that musical background of  the Bible verses hooking together. The off cuts of that great Rock will ring out exactly what the Great rock says.  Just like the smaller stones cut from the big diamond are diamonds that reflect the same Covenant. Gods people are situated in different places & countries in the world. The touch of the Masters hand can turn on the Light & they ring  & play out Gods theme & say. Organizations is of the devil. Bill didn’t restore our faith & we were caught by that reformers message into organized religion again but God was faithful to send us the real Mal.4 as He promised. We now see the truth that the reformers only sowed creeds & yet it was done for a purpose & served well as a preserver in its days. Thanks great King for the Light & that you have come down to claim us to yourself  & make something out of us for Thy glory. No one will see that the 7th. angel comes after Bill unless God reveals it to them. The real messenger & 7TH  an­gel himself will tell you Bill was no prophet & prove it to you with Bills mes­sage that Bill was a reformer. Come on you rocks no matter how much they claim Abraham as their father. God is able of these stones of the last days to raise children to Him. The diamond they found in 1986 is just part of the original stone that was found the biggest in the world on 25/1/1925. That is what the bride is parts of the big stone that came to earth Christ the Word. She continues with His ministry & rings out His message of the whole composition. Not just a part not just an intro. like a little intro. plank no she plays the whole Word out according to the Kings script right from  the Kings chamber.


I tell you it is indeed chamber music. Gods’ bride enters through the door & can see that titles & past names & creeds are hooked to one door. She walks that narrow very hard last few steps to her Kings chamber of Eternal Life. As you can see in the Pyramid the last passage is 41 inches square & it is an awkward position & a narrow path. The King went that way & she knows He is there in the chambers of His Word playing out the mysteries of Rev.I0:7 to her. She enjoys all His Word & to her it is great music right here in the eagle age. Not the man calf or lion-age but the eagle age. There is a type of all the other 3 beasts build into the eagle. Brave with claws like the lion. A worker like an ox or calf  & the wisdom of a man all characteristics built into the eagle. The eagle flies higher than all cause he has what all other ages had plus all the latter day promises. The bride has all the Word that the reformers & guys before her had & the bride has eyesight & all those great things build into her Spiritual body that outclasses all. Oh look at her on eagle rock as she takes in every detail of the smallest move & role her eyes back & discern all the Word. Yes read that flight of the eagle again it is a picture of God His bride prophets & people.

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Through the Ages there has been impersonations of truth right along. Some say He is King Jesus that is unscriptural to call a Prince of Peace a King. Jesus had a Fat­her & the Fathers Name is Melchisedec He is the King of Peace. Melchisedec has various Kingly offices. He is King of Peace, King of Kings, King God, King of His saints, King of hearts, King of Salvation, King of creation, King of music, King of all rocks in His image, King Lamb, King David  & many more Kingly offices that He holds. No ways is He ever coming back or has come the way that denominations say He is returning to the churches. He comes back via the messages of His prophets He comes back to fulfill His prophets’ Word for He is the Word. The Word comes to the prophet first. You won’t even see or take a picture without that Word being first spoken in the pamphlet message or in a message somewhere. God does nothing not even has His picture taken unless He makes it known to His prophet for the Age. No doubt Bills revival had great wonderful manifestations of Gods Spirit cause it was Holy Ghost outpourings & Baptism. Bill said all those manifestations were nothing when it came to the seals. The mysteries are a much higher revelation than all manifestations of God in action in various miracles etc. Cause people that are sick die again but revealed truth enlightens the soul to eternal Life. To know the Word & Gods mysteries is far greater than all prayer lines & miracles cause the Word is Life. Most people Bill pray­ed for are dead from other diseases. But Words of life & Gods mysteries can’t die cause it’s the eternal Word. Sure the outpourings & manifestations served their purpose well. I thank God for Bills ministry that called me out I never started any organization with it cause I believed the Life message that was hidden in His denominational revival. I saw what God wanted me to see in it & have been outside organizations all my life. I saw the spiritual side of His ministry not the natural side that’ll bind people into organizations again. Seeing I was outside it all I believe is why God burst forth here in the pamphlet messages since 1987.


You can fool anybody but the elected & that’s the devils’ job to get millions wandering after the beast & its image thinking Bill was the 7th. Angel. It is absolutely contrary to Gods Word. Bill said that his revival was an organizational revival. Bills whole ministry didn’t stir the last day bride at all. It stirred a few crow punks that formed churches the majority of them are guilty of adultery cause they couldn’t wait for the Word to return by the prophet that God said would be here. Yes they sold out long before God had Mal.4:6 putting out messages. They couldn’t wait like Eve did & is pregnant with a lot of substitute’s offerings so much that they re­ject God as the Redeemer. In bluffing them the devil sure has succeeded with Bills followers. Look at any reformers’ followers & see what they do when God takes the man home. Fallen an­gels get in pastors & people  & throw them right back in bed with the devil. Satan can bluff anything but the real true 7th. angel that won’t be fooled cause it is a God foreordained spoken office that is in operation. The Word speaks for itself there’s the Thunders that’s restoring the brides faith & the rest of the mysteries in the pamphlets. Impersonations & all the Elijah  & Moses robes & creeds that people said Bill was, were  only  a  forerunning of the real thing to upset people & they have fallen for that by the millions believing Bill was Elijah when he was far from any office of a prophet.


Outpourings of the Holy Ghost is God in an act foreshadowing  what His prophets would do. Don’t ever try tell me Bill was the 7th. Angel cause I have too much evidence & Word spoken by Bill that denies that. If Bill was that messenger then why did he not reveal the Thunders &  tell us Gods true Name? Why wasn’t he born in Africa or Israel where all Bible prophets are born? Why wasn’t he born by the greatest diamond that was ever found? Why wasn’t he in Africa where the Pyra­mid is that Headstone can only come to where the building is & I am His honed stone that welcomes back the Headstone in Africa. Why wasn’t he here in Lion country where God roars like a Lion in Rev. IO why Has God then had His picture taken of His face in the sea & rock with me Bill is not in there? Cause Bill was a reformer & not a prophet at all. The Judgment is gonna have some great surprises for people who have been putting their own interpretations to the Word trying to make it say something it doesn’t say. I heard one punk pastor over in USA say a  Pastor Jones poor idiot  trying to say Bill was in that 7 angel constellation. Bill said he was caught up with the 7 angels & he was the 8th. person & the 7th angel was strange to him. Why would Bill be strange to himself you utter fool? All the pastors are fools pigs & scum gathering groups like sewerage farm waste. I sure hate the pastors the bastards cause God hates them. Only the 7th angel will let you know who the real messenger is & that Bill was no prophet.


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I see these pastors rising at the great white throne Judgment & say you know, Carel said I was a punk (Rotten wood that’s what punk means) I am a punk. his messages condemned me. Then they’ll know & admit that they were punks cause God would’ve destroyed them already in the tribulations. I am going to enjoy it to send pas­tors preachers rabbis & false people to hell I’ll be a quick witness against them. If you ever thought I was quick here with a sharp tongue I’ll be quicker over there & have that Word fast cutting them asunder. They will be utterly slain & condemned. I will person­ally with Rev.11 & the bride be the cause of the destruction of the entire earth by the Word that proceeds from our mouth’s which is Gods mouth. He told me I was His last Voice & His Judgment drowned more in 1987 through the Word He spoke through me then what it did in any of the 6 messengers before me. God moving in His wrath. I tell you again that same judgment sign is here in the east & worldwide. God is gonna flood the land & send an earthquake here the biggest this land has ever seen.  God is really gonna rock them they deserve Gods wrath. Don’t tell me innocent people died those that die that must die. God knows His own & the entire earth is facing the wrath of Almighty God. Someone has to speak & represent His Judgment. We have been given that task to teach not His acceptable year but His wrath is here on the whore. He is slaying the antichrist with this message & what it will mature to through the ones after us. I tell you it’s wonderful. Try the whore doctrine on anyone that Bill was a prophet. A thinking man with a thinking filter will ask you. If  Bill was a prophet why did he start a denomination & why didn’t he bring the thunders? Why was he in a church named after him  started & dedicated churches? There is a mountain load of evidence that Bill was no prophet at all but just a reformer & denominations started from his revival according to his own words.


Look what his carnal people are doing binding people to a whore system & you’ll agree he was a reformer. The outpourings of that ministry had many confused it strayed confused the world. Now Gods people won’t be left in a complete state of deception as the saying goes. You can fool half the people all the time but not all the people all the time Gods elect is not fooled. She sees what His revival did He had an organizational revival that was no stirring to the bride. He said the 7 Thunders will stir the bride not Bills message, she knows it is creeds  & dogmas. Because Bill was a reformer he never saw all the Word cause the Word didn’t come to him he said so himself. You can’t fool the real person who is sent by God to do the job  getting the children back  to God. You cannot ever fool prophets. The Word is written in their lives. How can you say a person is a prophet & the 7th angel when that person doesn’t do what the 7th. Angel must do? Like bringing the 7 Thunders & all the mysteries of God etc. Satan sure has bluffed millions but I have the consolation that a very few will see the truth & not be caught in that black widows web of perverted doctrines. Be ye separated  & get back to God.


Bills followers are in all sorts of schemes just like the denominations are & the big churches. No wonder those people are back slidden & in a mess & have turned back to drunks  & all sorts of trash & worldly attractions. Bills old messages can’t feed you it is old stagnated water. Come on you backsliders that fell back from God to believe such a lie that he was the 7th angel  & that there’s no one after him. It is that lie that made you go of the road. Get back to Christ line up with the Word & God will grand you mercy & a heart of true repentance. Just look what happened to you because you’ve believed a lie that he was a prophet. It made a drunk junky & bad person out of you. Now line up with the Word. The good Master says though your sins were like scarlet I’ll make them white  as wool & though they be like crimson, I’ll make them white as snow.  God loves you & you are obligated to line up with His Word & serve Him now that He has come your way. No mat­ter how serious your case or how far you’ve stooped in sin. It is the false people pastors & preachers that the devils uses to spread those evil lies & deceive you  into an organizational life. Now rise from your organizational sleep & go to your father God. Live from this day on for Him burning all brid­ges behind you. Start looking deeper into His Word as He plays the music to you of His hidden rocks & jewels. His gentle touch will set you entirely free.  I believe that someone out there will be set free & there are witnesses that have accepted this message that are free outside Babylon.

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If  you are wide awake & elected you’ll see that the ministry of a true prophet would show up a reformer just like the reformers ministry shows that the reformer is not a prophet. Praying for Kings dedicating babies burying the dead is things Bill did. The real true John the baptist is against organiza­tions all his life. He has no church or fellowship & is outside the whole thing. Vol.3:13.(6) People has called me a prophet I don’t call myself no prophet  because I’d be darenst to say so. A lot of outsiders dare things he was scared of. 7th. Seal.(567) Br. Bill is trying to make himself a prophet my brethren that is an error. It may be the hour now that this great person that we’re expecting to rise on the scene, may rise on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation. (It sure has so that I could built away on it to final a restoration) and if it has ( Laid the foundation) I’ll be leaving you for  good (And he did & so did Christ leave them for good. Bill fell asleep 2 years later) there won’t be 2 of us here at the same time. If it is he will increase I’ll decrease. (537) Now could you imagine when this person comes on the scene when he does, remember it’ll be so humble and things till the Churches (Bills people & all groups & libraries) will miss it a long way’s, and could you imagine the churches still under the traditions of the reformers ( The last reformer they had was Bill they’re still under  the outpouring traditions.) Would the traditions of the reformers ever receive a prophet from God who would be firmly against their teachings & organizations?  No they won’t Now there is only one person that could fulfill that ( Mal. 4) It  would have to be Elijah in his time (1986/7 onwards) and it’s predicted that it would be which is nothing but the spirit of Christ. Christ look how they hated Him now notice. Called in perfect harmony with the Scriptures of Daniel’s last 3 and 1/2 years.


3rd. Seal(253) We have denominational revivals, we haven’t had a real stirring no.  Don’t think that we have got revivals we haven’t,  millions of church members  but  not a revival nowhere. The bride hasn’t had a revival yet (Bills entire ministry didn’t stir the bride at all ) There has been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the bride yet we’re looking for it, it will take this 7 unknown thunders back there to wake her up again (From amongst the dead, the Son of Man still speaks to those in the dark graves of organizations to come forth. We know that we need a foundation before we can ever start getting back to God. Paul had the Old Testament that he compared with his experiences & wrote a few New Testament Books. Paul gave more Light on who Melchisedec is & that the promise was unconditional. Paul knew the God of the Old Testament was Jesus Christ of the New Testament. We know more than all ages before us. Paul said, there were things about Melchisedec that he couldn’t tell them, cause they were hard of hearing. So we need to go to the founda­tion  & rip all perverted doctrines apart & man made walls & lay that to waste & then built on the solid foundation Word for the Age. That is what prophets always do they get the foundation right & then build. I can tell you that your building is on sinking sands if you believe that Bill was a prophet & the 7th. Angel.


Bill referred to himself as a prophet just like he did to Wesley, Luther, Abraham & the other reformers. Look at  mightier men than Bill that God used like King David that had a mighty Kingdom. Bill called David a prophet but we know he wasn’t. David had the gift of prophecy but it took a prophet to straighten David out. David failed in trying to do God a service without it being His will.  There was a prophet in the land. David with all his jumping & getting carried away to get the Ark & Word back to the people as it looked like the right thing to do caused the death of innocent people. Though they had a mighty gathering everybody rejoicing & speaking in tongues running around & formed lie-braries & groups. Gods’ true prophet for that time was ignored  & innocent people died that dared to touch the ark. So did many die the past 30 years & are still falling over cause they are ignorant of Gods Word  staggering like fools walking with hop-nails where angels fear to trod. We cannot go back to Pentecost  & say we have all the truth. That would be less than 1/2 way on the road back. Who was God before He poured Himself out at Pentecost? Who was He in the Old Testament? Non other than Melchisedec as the seed chapter of the Bible describes Him. See why the Seals were so important cause it revealed Christ in between the lines & Christ called Acts.2:38 an Apostle’s creed & said they sold their birthrights by accepting titles or any other names of God except for the real & right one.




You tell me of anyone that was in the upper room that was raptured not one. It is no good trying to get back to Pentecost & organize. I tell you it’s not only back to Pentecost no it is back to all the Word back to who God was the Lamb before the foundation of the world. If you go back as far as Pentecost then you are no­where near yet. Gods’ true one Name is in the seed chapter of the Bible in Genesis. When a foundation is right then you can build.  On a wrong foundation that is a lie & making Bill a prophet when he was a reformer will land you into the W.C.O .Churches  you won’t even know it till God destroys you because you took sides with His worst enemies & failed Him. Vol.3:14.(23) ( A true prophet) He would go straight to the foundation he’d tear the thing to pieces (The creed that Bill was a prophet) He would have to he couldn’t do nothing else. Vol.8:5.(225) Let’s lay a foundation for it before it gets here before He comes (The 7th. angel) Let us put a foundation out & be stones cut ready, to stand shoulder to shoulder with him when God sends him. (74) Each Age has had its message & messenger. (80) It’s always the messenger opens up the new message at the end of the old. (97) Then His messenger calls out the called out ones. (105) now remember, when does he do it (In 1965?) (no sir) just before the destruction just at the end of the age ,that’s when He sends His message. (125) Notice each one foretold the other would come (I got hundreds of quotes where he foretold that I would come at the end of the age & God would via this ministry reveal the Thunders & all Gods other mysteries. He even foretold my names.) (237) I want somebody to show me in the Bible where it will be a group of people (In a tape library or church etc.) God would break His own Word it’ll be one man. (Not people all over earth setting up libraries organizing again)(229) But let me tell you there will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal  age, and wind up the thing, it’ll be a man not a group.


Vol.3:9r.Ashamed.(127) Those prophets, those daring messengers of God come without church (Like Branham Tab. etc.) without denomination, without organization. (129) I  think of the prophets of old, when they come with that message it embarrasses the kings (Bill prayed for the King never embarrassed him) and it made the people feel uncomfortable. Yes to make Bill a prophet shows you don’t know the Word & you don’t have a clue at all of what a real true prophets actions are. That is how you miss God cause the prophet himself is a sign. A true sign that’s overlooked a true prophet would call these people a lot of punks & tell them hey, God hates you & He is gon­na fry you all  with your holy places relics & Bills clothes eagles & golden calf schemes will be laid to waste. God hates the pastors & the pope & all religions in His sight it is Babylon. I call the pope poep cause those very churches where you attend is a meeting place of every foul bird. It is foul stink winds of perverted doctrines that flow from those places. You are cursed by God for going to an image of the beast fellowship or any of those places like Branham Tab. etc.  God will throw to waste & ashes the people in those organizations each & every one is going to the tribulations that says that Bill was the 7th Angel. They are already marked by the beast for judgment & if they die before the tribulations they will be kept in prison in the regions of the doomed till the final judgment.


Gods Masterpiece was laid on a solid foundation just like that pyramid were build on solid rock & has those 4 outside walls. He placed His Masterpiece on those foundations. Abraham was one & each seed of Abraham must do exactly like Abraham did & meet Melchisedec (See Vol.5:IO.(65) Now let’s go look at what Gods foundation is. Vol.4:7 The masterpiece.(59) But when He started with Abraham He said I have already done it unconditionally (61) Every Masterpiece is put on a foundation of  scripture. It’s got a foundation, and the Patriarchs foundation First was Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. (66) The prophets was the vindicated Word which makes the body, Not the patriarchs (Like Bill) And we know He is the head of that Masterpiece of Himself. Study all that & see we need to go back to the tree of Life in the garden.  He will show you we were with Him even before Pentecost was thought of. The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world  & to know that Lamb Melchisedec is to overcome the beast that the whole world wonders after. If you’re a Spiritual man then you’ll see why I say Bill was no prophet but a re­former he had an outpouring message that we’ll always need because we see the Spiri­tual side of the matter. Yes only the elect will know a very few will understand.

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I am accused of being an impersonator.. Whatever you call me is not gonna worry me one bit you’ll account to God for that. If I was an impersona­tor then I would have an organizational message calling you to church fellowship meetings or a group assembly or some tape library. I curse all those things I am against any organized religion that get started in homes. The home get to small  & a hall or church is set up with a deacon board. I have been outside organized religion all my life. I do not call people here or to any gather place at all & hold no meetings, they know better then to come here because I hate organizations. Gods people write or phone for messages which is available free the pamphlets, computer

CD’s videos etc. I explained the great pyramid using it in comparisons as a prototype of what the Spiritual temple of God looks like Gods people are the stones. That is my ministry so Jannes  & Jambres & any other impersonators will come after me to try overthrow Gods elect. Bill said so in the 2nd. Seal page 183   Did you know there will be false Christ’s arise in the last day’s  (When will they arise Jannes & Jambres now watch, it’s only after my ministry) it should follow immediately after this great message that this brother (Carel) will speak that will actually come (Not the brother is here but will come in the future. Has any impersonator ever called you away from organized religion?  No sir, they were twisted organizational guys with some of the real truth mixed with their own ideas & they had the wrong interpretation. I have pictures of God with me that are astonishing even to the carnal people that know nothing about supernatural things. God is in plain view to His own & there is the pictures of His face with me Moses & the others. You’ll account to God for rejecting what He send you the way He sends it via the rejected stone as He said He would before the destruction.


The Lamb was slain in the evening time not in I965. The natural lamb they try to hold over is titles of God  the blood of bulls & goats. The real true Lamb Melchisedec  is killed in the evening time of the world & His  blood applied to the door of our hearts. Don’t tell me His Name is Lord Jesus Christ cause that’s that same trinity frog doctrine from one trinity to another. From Father Son  & Holy Ghost to Lord Jesus Christ. God is one & His Name one not 3. If you can’t see  God’s original Name then seek revelation. To know Melchisedec is to know the mystery of Gods will. That’s who Jesus was before He became a man Melchisedec was the King of Peace Jesus was the Prince of Peace  a  Prince has a Father. Get my other messages on Godhead doctrines you’ll see there’s one God with one Name. Not 3 names that is back to trinity again a lie & reformer doctrine. All the Word never came to Bill. Jesus Christ as a Name is accep­ted by the Roman Catholic church  & W.C.O .Churches. Tell me what single Name of God does the beast blaspheme? It is not Jesus Christ or Jehovah those names are accepted by the religious system. All names are accepted as long as you join in with the system but Gods Name Melchisedec is rejected. It is the new Name that we overcome with. His Name was written on us before the foundation of the world. Hating me & saying all manner of evil against me will backfire on you.  Bill had a Light above his head. I have various  pictures of Gods  face right with me taken in Bills days. Gods pictures is coming  in clear view as they materialize with the believers faith. I don’t need your fellowships & coming here I can’t help you God alone saw you or never saw you. Time will tell what kind of seed you are. I tell you God is moving on the scene in Judgment.


If  you expect a back-patting message then go to church. In other- words  go to hell I don’t have that cold lukewarm spirit on me calling anything that reads Bills books brother no sir. It is no good trying to do what Bill did, you’re out of time with Gods music for the hour. In 1965 mono sound was used. We now have stereo & surround sound. One Speaker God utters His Voice working over various speakers. No matter what the world say this message is slaying the antichrist. God showed me the other night how I killed a snake I threw a rock on that snake & crushed his head right off His Body. He was dead still lifeless within seconds. Yes your enemies the organizations’ are dead once you come out of Babylon. Are you so blind that you can’t see what Bills carnal people are doing by dragging innocent people right back to mommy whore. Those preachers’ pastors & rabbi’s need your tithes to fill their pews till they bind you into Rome. Bills organizational twin from his revival walk hand in hand with Rome’s doctrines. One of those bastards told me we must love the Catholics we’re all brothers. Sure Bill had a lot of Catholic friends. I don’t have any & don’t intend having whore people around here I rip them apart.

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Bills carnal followers should be given the world cup for hypocrisy. They tell people to get away from denominations & then bind them right back into the same thing. You will get punks that will follow the goats to the slaughter. Gods ‘wise people won’t be caught by that trick of the devil of just getting baptized read a few books & then you’re the bride. I’d say you are  a whore if you’re not born again with the pamphlet message. The pastors are a bunch of dung eaters that got into Bills denominational part of his message that died when he died. No good trying to bring him back. God was finished with the organizational part of that message in 1965. We had a period of time so that works could catch up & the seeds mature for the harvest. Now that the harvest is ripe God comes for His bride & we have His pictures. The people in the carnal message of Bill run to India-na like the Mohammedans run to Mecca. They set up lie-braries allover the world. I tell you Bill is going to send a whole lot of those people to hell for rejecting what he said would be here. I will be there & see you condemned. Bill had an inferior office to me. You say that’s raising yourself up? No not at all I’m a star in Gods hand. Bill was not the 7th. star  in Gods hand or he would have known  the 7 Thunders  & all the Mysteries. Not what man makes big is big. It is small what man makes big. What God says is big is big  & God means what He says when He said the 7th. Angel will have a humble ministry not eating with the full Gospel business -men  & all those bas­tards where Bill associated moving amongst them.


Bills revival was over just after he left  & the doctrines he preached has become abominations in the sight of God. They stink to the core so does his carnal people stink God is obligated to stone them. God said that day (Of this message & His coming) won’t come till there’s a falling away from Bills message right back into Catholicism again that are worshipping Bills clothes eagles guns where he lived  etc. I tell you burn his furniture clothes guns etc. you’ll keep the gentiles (unbelievers) away from trotting the walls in Jeffersinville). If you don’t burn it God will in the atomic war coming. A lot of people are gonna be fried by Gods Judgment right in those mortuaries where they have the corpses that they wash just to add more stink to the people they baptize I tell you they stink.


Bill won’t be interested in what he wore here or where he lived. He wouldn’t come back here for anything in the world. If he did come back he would pray to God earnestly to destroy his followers. So seeing he is not here I’ll do my precious pal Bill the favor of cursing you punks. I ask God to get rid of the whole religious world & the in the carnal message of Bills people. I has been spoken written &

so shall it come to pass. God saw the Judgment even before He made the world & saw in advance all the in the carnal message people plead there. You can call Gods elect all sorts of names here on earth. Up there at the white throne Judgment you’re gonna bow. I’ll tell you there just like I tell you now you’re a punk & I’ll sent you to hell. Gods Judgment message is not His acceptable year like in the sixties we’ve outlived that time. Christ has returned & come back as the white horse rider of Rev.19 & has a Name written Melchisedec which is the Word of God right through the whole Bible.


I am for Bill  & the things he taught the 3rd.Pull & the deeper mysteries from that outpouring revival. The way he condemned organized religion I stand with him all the way but with more truth in my day then what all reformers had before us. Bill had more light than what Wesley & Luther had in their messages. Wesley & Luther etc. would have been considered anti-Christ’s in Bills days Look at the Lutherans &  Wesleyans then look at the Branhamides &  you see the same picture. What was Word of another day in this age is antichrist. Cause the Word have moved on to a full crop & head. The headstone has come to connect to His body that is my ministry introduction you to the head Christ. Bill never did that & never knew much about the pyramid either. But God showed us the past few years what Gods temple on earth His building the body of stones the believers looks like. Get my message Hidden mysteries from the pyramids you’ll see the picture clear, it’s on video as well. Yes you have been indoctrinated with things that Bill didn’t take sides with. Bill saw me in the constellation  & knew I would be here to restore the faith. He said the 7th. angel would have clear identification, Bill said he’d have nothing to do with the 7th. angel & that it’ll be someone after him.

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The devil sure commercialized with Bills people. They have the best in printing businesses copiers & computers taking trips to Mecca, the modern Jeffersinville where they’ve erected the Moslem of Omar on the corner of Penn and 8th. Streets. Wherever that whore holds her cup to in all nations to get the utter fools into her bed of false doctrine. Bills outpouring sure at times condemned organized religion to the core. The white fowls didn’t want the bread of Life & God called Bill away. Do you think the white fowl’s want it now? No sir they’re all in the same bed of corruption that leaves God with only one choice & that is to kill them & wipe them from the face of the earth. The 6th. seal the judgement seal will get them. They will see the Word that was spoken in the pamphlets & Bills mes­sages had dropped forth to condemn & sent them to hell. I tell you we are now preaching to souls in prison that never repented in the day’s of Bill & they were just impersonators of the real truth to get people back into churches & groups. This pamphlet message is not my own ideas it is Gods Word that God backs up. God backs it up with Supernatural manifestations all over the world to individuals in His Word body.


Fallen angels  in the form of pastors & preachers got  into Bills carnal message & hacked the carnal parts into whore doctrines like never before. That man would have wept full-time if he had to see what his so-called followers did to Christ the Word just as they listed. They

condemn the denominations when they are themselves organized & snakes in a new skin. They followed in Bills footsteps which you can’t blame them in 1965 but this is another age & time that has proved that they are of their father the devil that is why they raise again organizations. When God presents truth & comes back the way He said He would & they reject Him  then the line is crossed between mercy & Judgment. They will have to suffer the wrath of Gods Holy Judgment on them. I say again flee from the groups & churches, flee from one man organizations, flee from people that quote Bills denominational message that he said is an organiza­tional revival, get away from all fellowships. God is your King. you cannot  make the rapture if you’re in a group or organization, that’s thus Saith God.


Look what happened to Luther & Wesley’s messages. Their carnal followers are dead & gone. Seeing this is the age of  Gods quick work, Bills people have brought destruction & organized religion so close to the real thing it’ll almost deceive the very elected. They use the

 same quotes but apply it to the wrong messenger with different meanings. This last age is the most deceitful age ever & Satan sits as  a god in people’s hearts with Gods titles of Lord Jesus Christ & the devil is worshipped as God. The whole world goes wondering after the beast. All claim  they are brothers fellowshipping & joining together. I’m glad God has raised up Communists & Red China with a coalition between them & the other nations to destroy them. Communists have better discernment than carnal in the message people & know the whole Roman empire is rubbish. I feel less for organized religion than what the Communists do. I am a Christian a son of God  just to make a point & let you see God is against organized religions. He is gonna fry Rome all her allies & the carnal in the message people & churches on earth. The whole earth must burn soon to make way for a better land. Bills ungodly followers have the cheek to say he was the 7th. Messenger when He denied that & said the 7th angel  was a strange angle. The world never burned in his day. I have by Gods Grace tied up & bound a lot of his loose doctrines & am by means of this simple mes­sage restoring the faith back to the fathers not to Pentecost because they all died & failed but back to what God was originally before He poured Himself out at Pentecost. The faith of all the fathers Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph the prophets & God the great Father of us all.


So with this mountain of truth & Bills message pictures & all the facts backing up the pamphlets you should be obedient to the Word & separate yourself. Gods ‘commandment was to come out from amongst them & be separated & not join them. Fellowship is 2 fellows in one ship that is you & the King Melchisedec otherwise when you allow a 3rd. person on board  the boat will sink. Bills so- called carnal people has made such a mess of his message it’s like an oil spill. Instead of helping people it has made them dirtier then before. They are dirty with their evil groups like squatter camps allover the earth. They are the in the mess-age groups & churches. Yes you may claim you have oil but it is all on the outside you look pitch black shadowed to death. The oil has made a mess of you cause you were of the devil in a mess origi­nally. To the bride Shalom she has the oil inside & the Lamb gave direct orders to Satan’s kingdom touch not My oil  & wine or all hell will be thrown at the devils people & kingdom. God cares for His people they are winners & not losers like the people are that join in the world system. Come on dear one God is leading you to higher ground & better things for you. He will deliver & set you completely free so that you can worship Him in Spirit & in truth without having to worry about natural income & as a feeder of Gods people you can retire giving His Word full-timer attention the rest of your days on earth knowing He loves you. He will withhold no good thing from you & what you want pray for it & see Him provide abundantly even this very day.

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Let us do the ultimate test to show whose a prophet & who not. Like in Daniel’s days let us see who is balanced or unbalanced.. Let us  set the real 7th Angel on one side of a scale & see if the things these people say  Bill did measures up to a true prophet. O.k, bring your weights let’s see if they can pull anything from God. Here’s a pastor with a weight. Bill didn’t say it that he was the 7th angel but we be­lieve it. That is adding to the Word depart with that creed you are cursed. Another says well he spoke about Mal.4, that’s not the question. Was he that prophet what prove do you have? You were warned that the devil makes use of light to blind people. Bill said  it’ll be someone after Him & that the 7th. Angel comes at the end just before the tribulations. All creeds & doctrines that the whore has bred out to suit the devilish needs of organizations, don’t move Gods scale at all. What does the Master say about your condition? You’ve been weighed with your creeds & found wanting. You weigh nothing & are just a foul wind of false doctrine & then want to try weigh & measure up against a stone that’s crus­hing the whole gentile kingdom to ashes. There is no comparison at all chaff is dirt & thrown away as fodder for the Millenium whereas wheat goes to the Masters great storeroom like in Egypt the grain was stored in the pyramids at one time hiding in there.


The outpouring made them be­lieve a lie but nothing Bill did made him a prophet. Prophets don’t come from churches like he did (The baptist church where he was ordained) and prophets don’t start c/ages. Bill was born right after this age started. Prophets don’t start churches & Bill did & said his revival an organizational re­vival. The cherry on top of the meal offering cake that put them all in wanting is that Bill didn’t do the 2 jobs that the 7th. Angel must do & will do. That is restore the faith & reveal the mysteries of the 7 thunders. Bill said he couldn’t make the Thunders out. It wasn’t the time then. He made it very clear he was no prophet cause prophets don’t go to church & fellowship meetings & discuss things & have sponsorships trying to convince people to come over to them. That is a sign that he is no prophet at all now the elect will know not the others. The rest of the religious world will wonder the same way their reformer wondered & will never come to full doctrine & get the faith cause they’re not redeemable.


Did Bill step in at the end to make the mysteries known? No sir but who did? C.O.D. Book 1(88) right at the end Daniel steps in again how marvelous to restore the faith. (59) Then Jesus speaking ( since 1987 onwards) turns to Daniel to fulfill. So Laodicea I know my message won’t stir you much cause you’ re dead but it will stir the people that’s ordained to life & they’ll hunt & seek till they find that Stone that came to crush all mankind off  from the face of the earth. There’s enough proof that Bill was no prophet, apart from the fact that he denied it & said the 7th.angel comes after him. Bill never got all the Word. Look at the carnal people that claims his message how they’ve organized. Each & every reformer said that he was the last one but Bill spoke of someone after him.  God said notice the last voice it will not be an organization, see that Mohammedans doctrine climbing way up from age to age?

Now no doubt Mrs. Laodicea is gonna wake up after awhile pregnant with the seed of the popes doctrine & then she would want oil, & will be told. I only have enough for myself.


I don’t want to compare Laodicea with a virgin cause she is no virgin. The whore claims she is a widow rich holding her cup out to all nations. Virgins don’t go & lie down with whore doctrine pastors. The unwise virgin is no type of these organizational churches at all. The unwise virgin is pure & not contami­nated with church creeds. How can the in the message of Bills carnal people even claim to be virgins when from their wombs of churches have come nothing but death & blue babies? No sir God will provide for His rejected people even in the tribulations & they’ll overcome. The Bible makes it very plain they overcome the beast  & its image which is Bills organizational carnal twin that bred out from that revival. Bills carnal people joined up with the beast & its image. They preach, talk  & baptize like the Catholics do into titles of God like the whole denominational world does & pot cannot call kettle black. Yes they were the cream 40 years ago maybe but the cream got sour & dried out soured & are contaminated. They are suffering with Spiritual aids all dried out to dust like mummies back to mummy whore. That is exactly what God is gonna do to them grind them to dust as the stone strikes them. You can have your churches & groups but men of God will never be satisfied with the tripe these organizations read from Bills Books. Gods people call unto the deep & the deep will respond & they see God in view. Bill was no prophet at all.


Continue: God is One & His Name one.

In series Absolute Proof