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God has a Name & if you know the scriptures you will know how much emphasis is put in His Name & how very important His Name is. To the outside world His Name it is not important cause they are not redeemable & not in Gods family. That is why they are happy with titles of God like Father Son Holy Spirit or Jehovah Jeshua Lord Jesus Christ or other titles & Names that God used in ages past. It is a fact that God changes Names in different dispensations. As an adult you also have a lot of names. You might be called dad or mom your parents called you something else your children & friends call you different names. God also uses different Names in different dispensations. Once you are an adult it would be insulting if someone humiliates intimidates by trying to make a baby out of you like the pagans do with Christ at Christmas time. They try to get a picture across that He is helpless. Satan likes to keep Him small & hates to see Him as the victorious over-comer of death hell the grave & Satan’s kingdoms below. To know God personally is Life. God reveals His Name to His own that He loves. There is no doubt at all that the people whom He reveals His Name to are in His Lambs book of life. It is very clear according to the Bible that Gods Name is of prime importance here at the end. It is the Name of God that the elect will use to overcome the beast & its image.
Rev.13:6 And he (Satan’s church people) opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name & His tabernacle (Gods people that God tabernacles in) & them that dwell in Heaven. (8) And all upon the earth shall worship him (Worship the devil in organized religion) whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Never before is Gods Name as important as right now cause it sets Gods people free from organized religion man made creeds & ideas. Gods Name is contrary to anything that is accepted by the World Union & Confederation of Churches & Organizations. Jesus Jehovah & other Names & titles that God used are accepted by all denominations. The Bible teaches a single Name that the beast will blaspheme Gods one true Name. The people God tabernacle in whose names are in Gods Lambs Book of Life are not at all deceived by Catholicism & the image of the beast daughters’. Gods Name was kept a secret by God till 1987 when the Laodicean Church Age ended spiritually. The stone came out the mount that Daniel saw we are witnesses of that Stone Christ the Headstone. I have no argument with people who do not know Gods Name. God does not want them to know His Name they are not redeemable subjects. I do not cast pearls before swine.
The Old & New Testament’s both end with a curse on people adding to Gods word or taking away from it Mal. 4:6 & Rev.22:19. Both Old & New Testaments end in its last chapters with Gods Name. Mal.4:2 But unto you that fear my Name shall the sun of Righteousness arise. Rev.22:4 And they shall see His face, and His Name shall be in their foreheads. (13) I am Alpha & Omega the beginning & the end, the first & the last. Now note this Scripture Rev.22:9 Them which keep the saying of this book worship God. Not some other person, but they worship God. Your forehead is where you see from discerning spiritually what is right or wrong. The mark of the beast in Rev.13:16 to receive a mark in the right hand or in the foreheads. Right hand means the right hand of fellowship the hand that people greet & shake hands with anybody that is not in Gods books taking sides with organizations & damned religions.
I typed many pages about Gods Name but want to put as much as I can in here & nail as many nails into the Trinitarian coffins as I can. They are dead to believe that there is 3 gods or that He uses 3 names at once. To know God personally is life. It is no good thinking you know His Name & that you have Salvation & then be condemned for being unfaithful in all His other words of Life. All the word must be believed & the word comes to prophets first. God has promised that He would send us Elijah. He has done that I have been fulfilling my part of that office since 1985 ending. If people do not belief that it is because they are really calling God a liar to His face. He said I will send you Elijah before the coming of the great & dreadful day of the Lord. Mal.4:5. There is no doubt whatsoever that people who will overcome the beast would have to be in my messages constantly in the word watching it unfold revealing itself in its season. The Godhead is but one of thousands of other mysteries of God that God unveils via this plain simple humble ministry. God is the Head & Headstone of His body of believers.
The Godhead is the most important of all mysteries & a solid foundation to build on for the child of God. God unveils Himself to His family not to copiers & impersonators. Seeing it is a family affair then it is logical that Gods Life descending from Adam down to His very last person on earth is of noted value. The impersonator was asked how did you get in here & were then cast out for trying to make it on an organizational experience. Here is the question. What tree did you come from the tree of Life or the tree of good & evil? Time will tell Christ or hell. From Adam down God went through Enoch on down through Noah then Abraham all the way down to Christ descending & watching constantly for His seed people to manifest His word. God divided Himself up into various fires on Pentecost filling His family with His Spirit. The ones in the upper room immediately reached out to His other family members. Peter had the Holy Ghost & while still preaching the Holy Ghost fell on others. He also laid hands on people to receive the Holy Ghost. The seed the word of God must come through a body member of Christ that is alive. See why I ask what tree did you come from? Who gave you the life you claim you have? Which son of God imparted eternal Life into you? The man who went in deep was well anchored against the wild winds of doctrines his house stood sure anchored on the solid rock of all ages. Ps.14:5 God is in the generation of the righteous. Sure He knows His own & reveals Himself to them from generation to generation.
Paul had hands laid on him to receive the seed of life others again accepted it when they heard the truth the Holy Spirit fell on them. Phillip was at Pentecost & had the seed in him so he could give that to the one God lead him to & he baptized the person. It is clear that Gods word the seed of Life can only come through the body of God. Eve raised a bastard Cain not knowing it was the devil. We know better than that who the organisational chickens are & who the real true eagles are. People claim they received life from their churches or some organizational pastor or priest. It won’t work pedigreed horses have papers telling who the father is. Now my question is who is your father? What son of God implanted Gods Life into you? Mules are crossbred not knowing their father they cannot breed back. God worked the light of the 7 messengers from one to the other through 7 church ages. In Gods address to the church ages He stressed the importance of His Name. I got Gods Life from a son of God his name is E. Beeler. He got it direct from William Branham when Bill was still alive. God works through His living body members. Only an elect can trace back Gods seed word of Life. I teach Eternal Life to Gods people & also lay hands on those who want the Life if they are believers. It is logical to trace the original Life from the Tree of Life & see how God came down in the flesh to redeem us back. Gods’ people overcoming the beast have Gods Life word in them. Denominational chickens won’t accept these messages they eat trash from the religious system that the diarrhoea mouth preachers utter via the churches.
The thin line of truth since the Garden of Eden was always revealed to Gods own. God withheld His Name & only made it known at the end of the last Age since 1987 onwards. Gods prime important Name is of much value to the pilgrim & stranger it pays out inheritances from the Eternal Life policy. It is obvious that any true son would know his father’s name & trace back his roots whereas a bastard mule can’t do that. Outsiders might address the father in titles or a nickname but the true family member knows who their father is & what his name is. With this little bit of background of who will know Gods Name let us go & search the scriptures. God is His own interpreter & the answer to any Biblical question is the Bible. Now how can you say you belief the Bible if you reject the prophet of Mal.4 when it is a bible promise of God for this end time? How can you class yourself as a believer when you reject Gods people who bring you the Word? You are no believer at all you are a false impersonator of Christianity. The world is filled with your kind that God will burn to ashes early in the next century. You are low down trash that God preserved to torment & give hell to. Sure the make & unbeliever has an inheritance & future home it is hell & the lake of fire that God gives them as a free gift for their evil lives on earth. Yes to hell with all you fakes’ parasites’ impostors & copiers of true Christianity.
Let us dig out this great diamond the biggest the world has ever seen. The biggest diamond in the world was found in South Africa where I was born. The diamond is Christ who was cut for us from Him came the rainbow colours to His 7 church ages. He is a hard Stone that the builders rejected the very Headstone of His building. 1Tim. 3:16. And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world, received up into Glory. Great is this mystery. God reveals His mysteries to people that are in His messages of His messenger Rev. 10:7. God promised in my days as the Voice of the 7th & last church Age messenger that all Gods mysteries will be unveiled to the true elect who will know Gods Name & be baptized into it. Seeing this is a great Mystery it is obvious that fools will stagger over it & walk with hob-nails where angels fear to tread.
Jesus gave the commandment Matt.28:19 Go ye therefore & teach not preach teach all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Ghost. Quickly the pagans saw that as an open door to their trinity doctrines & put a name before each title which is absolutely unscriptural. The Bible does not say in the Name of the Father in the Name of the Son & in the Name of the Holy Ghost. No it says in the Name of all those titles. He was referring to the Name single of God. Why does God do things like this? He speaks to Spiritual minds & knew they would pick it up & unearth the jewels from the great Bible mine that is loaded with Gods jewels & nuggets. Mark 4:34 But without a parable spake He not unto them : and when they were alone (Outside the church ideas alone with God & His word) When they were alone He explained all things to His disciples like He is now doing. God purposely speaks that way to shake parasites & make-believers off. That is why the world is in such a confused mess trying to interpret His Word with Bible schools & Colleges. Gods word is in parables & addressed to His own elected family that He reveals it to babes such as would learn from Him personally. There is no doubt in the above that He referred to one single Name of all those titles.
Peter on the day of Pentecost said in Acts.2:38 get baptized in the Name single of Jesus Christ. Bill came on the scene & said the Name of the Father is Lord, Jesus is the Son & Christ is the Holy Ghost & introduced baptism into names of Lord Jesus Christ that is still far away from one single Name. Christ & Peter spoke the same thing a single Name. The organisational world is in a mess trying to interpret these things with man made ideas & theologians. God is His own interpreter & uses prophets if it is things outside the word that He wants the people to know. The prophet is really the interpretation of the word of God in their lives. Titles & other names worked in ages past believers could hold onto that. The real true bride was baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ whereas the Romans accepted Father Son & Holy Ghost. It was a Name that worked through 7 church ages pointing to the New Name that only over-comers will get. I will write upon you my New Name. At the end of the ages God unveils His true Name the elect need more than titles to overcome the beast. Lord Jesus Christ is accepted by the beast as names of God. The Bible makes it very clear the beast blasphemes Gods Name not the Son of Gods Name or Jesus Christ. Rev.13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme His Name Blaspheme Gods Name not the Son of Gods Name no, Gods one single Name. (8) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (The beast & its image that blasphemes Gods Name) whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world.
We see Gods plan & program & know the elect is in Gods Lambs book of Life the only ones considered redeemable. That is why the Lamb stepped forth from glory to unveil these mysteries of the book to us. Redemption is revealed how He did it all along. It was God all along in His various offices bringing us closer to Himself. Now just before the world burns He appears like He did before the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah. He made Himself known to Abraham & if you claim to be the seed of Abraham then you must meet God like Abraham did after the battle now you are getting somewhere. God says I am the first & the last so there is no end to Him at all. If you type first as a letter you would use number 1. Now make sure it is a double confirmation of His One Single Name 11 One, one is Eleven & so is Jesus Christ =11 letters as well as Most High God = 11. The Bible is loaded with the cycle of elevens. O.K you now have the numeral value of His Name Eleven letters. Let us go dig out some bible jewels.
Jesus was the Prince of Peace so His Father is the King of Peace = 11. God cannot die He is Spirit & Eternal. God made a body that He manifested Himself in to pay the price for our sins. Jesus never came to manifest His own works no He came to make known to us the Father. When He came to the end of His ministry here below He said John 12:28 Father glorify thy Name. Not glorify the sons Name but glorify Thy Name. Jesus came as a manifestation of the works of God. (28) Then came there a Voice from Heaven saying. I have both glorified it & will glorify it again. A Voice came from heaven glorifying the Name of God. (29) The people therefore that stood by & heard it said that it thundered. That is exactly what takes place when you deal with Gods true one Name it is revealed in the 7 Thunders unknown to the world but known to us. Daniel back there saw the mystery so do we see the things that were not written; it is written on the back of the Bible Rev.5 A Book written within & on the backside. The 7th Messenger who is on earth at the coming of Christ the mighty Angel that sets foot in land & sea reveals the 7 Thunders to Gods people. Rev.10. If you reject the 7th. Messenger you reject God the Headstone of His body of believers.
You cannot trace the Name of Jesus back to the Old Testament that makes your religion a watered down trash heap cause you do not know who He was before He was Jesus. Jesus had a Father the Bible records that many times. Romans 15:6 The father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph.1:3 Blessed be the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph.4:6 One God & Father of all. Eph.3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (15) Of whom the whole family in Heaven & earth is named (The Bible does NOT say the family in Heaven & earth is named after the Son NO it is Named after the Father. Acts 4:12 There is non other Name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Sure Gods Name as we saw in par. 12 was Glorified IN Heaven not under heaven. To be able to see who God is you must leap by faith the Bible gives the invitation after the Last church Age in Rev.4:1 Come up higher & I will shew thee things which must be hereafter (2) And immediately I was in the Spirit & behold a throne was set in Heaven & One sat on the throne, not 3, One God.
The Lambs Book of Life was in Gods mind before He made the earth or laid the foundation of the world. Sure once you see the things below then you come up high & see the deeper things after the church age ceased only then does the Voice invite an upper call. Come up higher & see the things after the church age ceased in other words see the mysteries of God in heaven after 1987. Jesus is a Name under heaven the Bible records it like that. God was dealing with mankind in that Name till the end of the gentile dispensation then He reveals His Name to His people. He promised to reveal His Name to the over-comers. Rev.3:12 I will write upon him my new Name. You must admit that Jesus has another Name that He promised to the ones who overcomes the Sin-agogue of Satan which is all world religions that are united against Gods flock of just a few lambs whose names are in the Lambs book of Life. You cannot trace the Name Jesus back to the Old Testament. I’ve read many articles that try to say it is Joshua in the original interpretation it is not apart from that what about the promise I will write upon him My New Name? I was told His Name is the word of God as Rev.19:13 Sure I accept that He is called the word of God all the word will reveal His Name. But the word of God is not a Name at all. The Bible makes it clear in Rev.19:12 And He had a Name written that no man knew. These scriptures are not contradicting themselves He promised to write His Name on over-comers so His elect will know His Name they need it to overcome the beast. Gods Name is the Name of the Lamb.
Mat. 1 gives record how Jesus eventually came down in the flesh through Gods descends from Abraham down. You must go back before Mat. 1. Go back to Mal. 4 & see He says those who fear my Name & trace back right through the Bible Gods Name & the very importance of its value. Jesus was an earthly Name under heaven that He used to blind the Jews with. Now He uses Gods real true Name to blind the gentiles in His 2nd coming as a stumbling-stone that is how Daniel saw Him coming. His message in these pamphlets is filling the hearts of His own. The stone is filling the earth until He has done away with all sins below. His Kingdom is established in us already ushering in. He will soon renovate this earth burn all the churches & gather places of the ungodly people & their pagan altars that rely on the system for salvation they do not know God at all. They live in the mirages of days’ gone bye. The gospel to them is a blinding light but to Gods elect it is the glorious gospel of true word light. The word that stumble others’ to us is a precious diamond & hidden manna a Jewel in our hearts? Only the ones that He wants to reveal Himself to that are elected to Life know Gods Name.
Now do not forget that God changes Names. He changed Jacobs Abraham Sarah’s Peters names. When was the Name of Jesus then changed it was already changed after He overcome death hell & the grave. It was too rich for the 7 church ages so He stayed on as intercessor until 16/4/1990 & just before He stepped forth He revealed His Name to us. You may ask where did I first hear of His Name? I searched for it Bill said it would be revealed in the Thunders. Once I had the key I knew this was His Name cause the Bible interprets His Name right from the seed chapter Genesis. His Name is mentioned & appears in the Bible eleven times. We see in Rev.19 at His coming His Name is revealed. Gods Name has always been a secret. He withheld it even from Moses & said tell them I am sent you. Gen.32:29 Wherefore is it, that thou ask after my Name? And He blessed him there. Now in just asking for His Name brought down a blessing how much more are we blessed by knowing His Name? Judges 13: 18. Why asketh thou thus after my Name seeing it is a secret? God promised us Rev.10.7 would reveal all His secrets. If you reject this ministry then you are not elected to know Gods Name or other mysteries that are revealed through this ministry.
John 17:3 And this is Life Eternal =11 that they might know Thee the Only True God = 11. Jer.4:22 For my people are foolish, they have not known me. The do not know God or His Name. Ps.52:9 I will wait on Thy Name for it is good before Thy saints. Micah 6:9 The man of wisdom shall see Thy Name. Before we unearth the scriptures proving the importance of His Name we must accept it as a settled fact that God will not reveal His Name to just any punk copier or impostor. Peoples sins will find them out they will be cast into the tribulations. It takes a revelation from God to see who God is. Luke 10:20 No man knoweth who the Son is but the Father & who the Father is but the Son & to whom the Son will reveal Him. Reveal the Father & who God is. It is Gods choice before Jacob or Esau was born God hated one & loved the other. God has in various foreshadowing types shown His Name in numerals of Eleven. Ezekiel 36:23 My Great Name = 11. Ex.34:14 For thou shall worship no other God for the Lord whose Name is jealous is a jealous God. J=10,E=5,A=1, L=12, O=15,U=21,S=19 Add it together= 83, 8+3 = 11. Isa.63:16 Thy Name is from everlasting =11. Ps.44:20 If we have forgotten the Name of our God or stretch out our hands to a strange god (Or titles of God) (21) Shall not God search this out for He knoweth the secrets of the heart. Gods Name is important. I heard mockers say that they believe Jesus & Peter was wrong. If the Bible do not interpret itself then it is not worth the paper it’s written on. It clearly says God is His own interpreter. Both Jesus & Peter were talking of a Single Name. In the Name (single) of all the titles of God.
A lot of hogwash from other ages accumulated & is dumped in this last age of Godhead doctrines not one of them are right. Some are claiming Jesus as Gods Name. It can’t be that you can’t trace Jesus back to the Old Testament & He promised to write His New Name on the over-comer. To be baptized in the Name of Jesus only is also unscriptural cause which Jesus is it? When that name has been copied by generations of Catholics & has become a common name. Jesus Christ worked in the church ages. Once the last age ceased in 1987 spiritually, the people who obeyed the Voice to come up higher through the door into Heaven see who God is. He reveals how He redeemed us. By the revelation of His Name He buys us back & already paid the price at Calvary. Baptism in His Name all the doctrines that the church world hates are revealed to us by our Kinsman Redeemer. He is our Father & when Jesus prayed He said Father hallowed be Thy Name not Jesus Name but the Fathers Name. Okay you are getting a picture of who is redeemable & who not. Redemption rights are revealed to Gods own how He did it. He stayed on as intercessor till 16/4/1990 we have a picture of His face in His wrath taken that day the Lamb stepped forth to claim His redeemed subjects. Satan’s kingdom cannot overcome us we have this knowledge who God is branded in our foreheads we know He has One single Name. Here are some scriptures about the importance of His wonderful Name.
Deut. 28:58 That thou mayest fear this Glorious & fearful Name.
” 6:4 Hear ! Oh Israel, The Lord our God is ONE Lord.
” 2:39 See now that I, even I am He. There is No God with Me.
2 Sam.7:22 Neither is there any God beside Me.
” 7:13 He shall built an house for Thy Name.
Psalm 29:2 Give unto the Lord the Glory Due unto His Name.
” 74:12 For God is my King of old, working Salvation.
Isaiha 26:8 The desire of our soul is To Thy Name.
’’ 41:4 Calling generations from the beginning, I the Lord the first & with the last I am He.
’’ 43:11 I even I am the Lord & beside me there is no Saviour.
’’ 44:6 I am the 1st. & I am the last & beside Me there is no God.
” 44:7 You are even My witnesses. Is there a God beside Me? I know NOT any.
’’ 45:23 I have sworn by Myself, the Word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness & shall not
return. That unto me every knee shall bow every tongue shall swear.
’’ 63:14 To make Thyself a Glorious Name.
’’ 63:16 Thy Name is from Everlasting
Mal. 1 :14 My Name is dreadful among the heathen.
’’ 4:2 But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise.
Rev. 11:18 Reward Thy servants the prophets & to the saints & them that fear Thy Name.
’’ 15:4 Who shall Not fear Thee oh Lord & Glorify Thy Name.
’’ 3:12 And I will write upon him The Name of My God.
’’ 19:16 And He had on His vesture & on His thigh A Name written.
’’ 22:4 And His Name shall be in their foreheads.
John 12:28 Father Glorify Thy Name.
You can see in the scriptures the importance of Gods Name. The Bible is loaded with scriptures about His Name & how great it is. Jesus came to manifest the works of the Father. Right through His entire ministry referred to the Father. In the above scriptures it is clear that God is the Father. He tells it plain I am He there is no God but me no God with me no God beside Me. Here is some of the Scriptures Jesus referred to concerning His father. John 6:37 All the Father giveth me shall come. John 15:26 I will send comforter from Father. John 16:28 I come from the Father & go to the Father. Luke 23:46 Father into Thy hands I commend my Spirit. Mark 12:32 There is One God & there is non other but He. Eph.4:5 One Lord One Faith One baptism (6) One God & Father of all who is above all. O.K. you can see the Bible is stacked with verses referring to the Father. Thus it behoves us to find in the scriptures a person who is the Father. A person who has no father no beginning or ending of days. A person that we can refer to as God direct & this we cannot do if He does not unveil Himself to us. To whom the Father wants to unveil Himself to. Now Jesus was the Prince of Peace & a Prince is the Son of a King. The Father of Jesus must then be the King of Peace = 11. Rev.19:16 And He had on His vesture & on His thigh A Name written; King of Kings = 11 and Lord of Lords= 11. Rev.19:15 Almighty God = 11. Rev.19:17 The Great God. I am sure if you are elected you are excited now to know who this great person is & what His Name is cause it is the Name of the One & only true God. He is the Headstone of His building of believers.
Before I tell you this great Name that the beast people will blaspheme the Name of God. I ask you like Paul did Consider how great this person is. He has no beginning or ending of days so He must be eternal always was is & will be the eternal God alive this very day. He is Eternal Life & the very one who met Abraham before the destruction. He is again doing that giving His overcoming family the bread & wine. Can you show me any person in the whole Bible who has no beginning or end of Life except for this great person whose Name is recorded Eleven times in the Bible? This is indeed God & Gods Name. Are you dull of hearing Paul asked? There were many things that were hard for him to utter because of the milk babies that were not matured to accept teaching instead of preaching. Let us see this great mystery that God kept secret under His first church age angel the great Paul who knew things that he saw in heaven that he could not utter in his days & time.
Hebrews 5:10 Melchisedec = 11 Of whom we have many things to say & hard to be uttered, seeing you are dull of hearing. Heb.7:1 For this Melchisedec King of Salem =11, priest of the Most high God = 11, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings & blessed Him (2) To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of Righteousness, & after that also King of Salem (Salem is short for Jeru-Salem) which is King of Peace = 11. (3) Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of day. nor end of Life but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest forever. (4) Now consider how great this Man was. He was & is God the Bible gives the interpretation. His Name appears in the seed chapter of the Bible in Gen.14:18 & each seed brings forth after its kind. What tree did you come from? Who is your God what is his name? Are you building your eternal destination on a title or a Name God used in ages past? Do you know what you worship or are you like the pagans Paul found who worshipped the unknown God? Melchisedec became Jesus Christ & did exactly to His disciples like He did to Abraham He gave them bread & wine saying this is my body eat & drink the spiritual hidden manna now. Melchisedec was Gods Name all along & Jesus after overcoming the flesh killing sin in the flesh went back to the spiritual Kingdom. His Name here on earth was Jesus but He writes His New Name the Name of His God Melchisedec on His overcoming children. Look at the Elevens now & see the whole Bible is written in a code of numerals & elevens.
Here are some of the elevens. Jesus Christ, Christ’s Name, Fathers Name, River of Life, The Holy City, Lord of Hosts, His Majesty’s, Sin offering, Name of Jesus, One true Name, The maker God, Fathers Name, Immortality, Healing Balm, Gods One Name, Temple of God, Anointed One, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Glorious God, Most high God, Pardon of sin, Gods Messiah, Eternal Word, King prophet, Spirit of God, Almighty God, Jasper stone, Name of my God, City of my God. Unveiled God. Get the message Cycle of Elevens 56/90 & see the Elevens pop up everywhere in the Bible. This revelation of who God is is given only to people that see Satan’s religions condemned & they want to overcome the world. Sure there is a beast with beast images; there is a God who marks us in the forehead supplying the truth to overcome Satan’s onslaughts. And this is Life that they know thee the One & only true God there is Melchisedec= 11.
If you are a Trinitarian then you can’t see Gods one true Name, you have a trinity snake heart that has 3 chambers 3 titles. You will just see trinities that are of the devil. Frogs keep looking back at the Nicean Councils where trinities started out. They went from one trinity to another from Father Son & Holy Ghost to Lord Jesus Christ all just titles & a mixture of perverted man made ideas. Now let us see how important Gods Name is. Another thing if Jesus is any other person but God Himself in the flesh then you are a pagan to worship 2 gods & will account to God for having other gods before Him when His laws forbade this saying you shall have no other gods before Me. Deut.32:39 See now that I even I Am He. There is no God with me. Isa.43: 11 I even I am the Lord & beside me there’ s no Saviour. Isa.44:6 Thus saith the Lord I am the first & I am the last & beside Me there is no God. Isa.44:7 Is there a God beside Me I know not any. Hebrews 2;12 I will declare thy Name unto my brethren. The Headstone is known to the needlepoint few at the top of His building.
We are living in the age where all Gods mysteries are unfolded to us. Other ages did not need these truths the devil didn’t change skins like he did this last age copying Gods people. Even the worst of pagan religions outclasses some of these cults called Christianity that don’t know who they worship. Pagan worshippers have the names of their gods. You are a pagan if you worship God in any other way but in His true word & Name of the season. Gods Name wasn’t known in other ages & kept over as a secret till the end of the last age. He promised the 7th angel would reveal all His mysteries. Gods Name is one of the first mysteries that He revealed to me. Melchisedec is the Name the beast would blaspheme. People will be killed by Catholicism for bearing His Name. A bitter persecution is coming on Gods elect because they overcome the beast his number & image. The elect are sealed with Gods wisdom knowing that organized religion is wrong. The fools do not know God at all.
God has no descend He is eternal but brought man to earth that fell. He had to bring mankind back to Himself by sending a Lamb. It was God personally in a flesh body that paid the price for our sins. We do not hear much of Melchisedec after Gen.14:18 until Heb 6,7 just that He met Abraham after he conquered the evil organizational thieves & got his family back. Then Melchisedec met him & gave him bread & wine just like Christ gave it to His disciples. Melchisedec = 11 became Jesus Christ = 11. He gave them of Himself He is the bread from Heaven. Abraham knew Him as a man by Name Melchisedec that met Abraham & could tell Sarah’s thoughts. Do as the Bible instructs you to do in Heb.7 Consider how great this person is. He had no beginning or end no mother or father He is alive this very day He must be He is the author of eternal Life. No one else can ever be God but Melchisedec the Bible interprets itself. No true prophet of God ever came with names of God to the people they would have been stoned to come with such heathen ideas. Yes indeed this Name is in Heaven & people who are real true eagles will fly into the deep like the man who build his house on the rock. This Melchisedec is that Rock of all Ages. Gods’ house stands sure against the false winds of doctrine anchored in the rock.
Melchisedec cannot die He has no end of days or life on earth He always was is & will be. Jesus was born & died. Melchisedec is indeed the Father of the Son. This is the New Name of Jesus that He writes on the over-comers & the Name of His God that is written on His people. We are Gods tabernacle baptized into His Name. We feel nothing for the beast people they are heading to hell already condemned for rejecting Him. He said I come in My Fathers Name & you receive me not, but others come as pastor or pope in their own name of Jesus & them you accept. Hell was made for you bunch of creeps that do not know God you are not at all in Gods family. God our Father reveals to us like He did to Abraham these mysteries just before the world burns. Just before the 3rd. world war during the tribulations the beast will force people because of food shortages to join in the ranks of organizations to be sustained. Gods elect will be sustained by God as the great eagle has promised that He would help them. God saved Abraham & his family from the wrath through the angels’ messages.
The people in other ages were sealed under their messengers for what truth they had for their day. This is another time man made ideas & creed messages will not work now. Only a wrath message of God can work like in Noah & Abraham’s days. If you cannot see that God is One & His Name One it is because you are in Babylon’s confused mess. The Bible says come out from amongst them & I will be your God. It is no good trying to impersonate your sins will find you out God knows His own. The copier without the wedding garment was thrown into the tribulations. I belief that millions who think they are right cause they speak in tongues & have some sort of religion will be cast into hells tribulations cause they are still attached to substitutes names instead of the real true Lambs blood that was spilled for us before the foundation of the world. That day on Calvary sons of God got the authority to implant Gods Life to others. It has been Gods pattern all along to let His Life go from living person to living person like from Moses to Joshua from Elijah to Elisha. Now Gods elect people are getting His elect family like Abraham did. We must also get the 144,000 true Israel in from Babylon.
Bill preach this but it wasn’t revealed as the Name of God then cause Bill lived in a time of the outpouring of the Spirit he made that clear in the Seals. After the Seals were broken he preached a message Who is this Melchisedec? Here are some of the messages you can read to see how he brought Gods One Single Name to Light in his day. It is because of the messages of that humble servant of God that I saw who God is & have the revelation of Gods One Single Name. I worked away on the life message of Bill & God unveiled to me His One & Only true Name & the numerals etc.
1st. Seal. 158. Jesus received a New Name it will be revealed in the Thunders.
2nd. Seal.221. Notice it’s not Names But His Name. He only knew One Name.
’’ ’’ 209 & 10 There is your difference the Trinitarian word Jesus.
Vol.2:7 (3) His vesture dipped in blood His Name.
3RD. Seal.247. Serpent seed is the baptism in the Name of the father Son & Holy Ghost
or in Name of Lord Jesus Christ.
Vol.5:10r.121. Now we see Melchisedec (122) That is the Fathers Name.
Adoption p. 4 (42) Knowing the Mystery of His will this Melchisedec.
(49) Notice this Melchisedec the mystery of God.
Heb.c.6.p.3.635 Melchisedec was God Himself.
’’ p.1.69 We will meet Melchisedec again, we who are joint heirs of the promise of Abraham.
’’ c.7.p.1.22 Melchisedec it could be nothing else but God.
’’ ’’ 1. 24 Abraham met a man & called His Name Melchisedec
If you claim to belief Bills messages then you better read Hebrews c.6 & 7. Adoption. 2nd.Seal.221. And He had a Name written that no man knew. Remember we don’t know that yet. (In Bills days) COD Book 2p.1092 p.137 Has the Name of the Lord changed in the different dispensations? Yes Yes. Gabriels Instruc. Para.50 Redemption is to be revealed. The revelation of what taken place during the church age how He did it? How He sealed the bride off. The revelation of His Name water baptism using His Name. Sirs (24) I was born right into this mess. She was a mother of harlots, her husband is the denominations that rule her, The 3 cornered stick that he had is that triune baptism in false names. (Lord Jesus Christ) Sirs. (32) The Mystery of water baptism. Seals.247. Acts 2:38 That’s the Apostles creed. Now being baptized into Jesus name or in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s all right But that’s not all of it yet.
Do you have the Seal of God? Then you must admit that the things I write unto you are not man made but given by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Has God sealed you as His redeemable child? Then you would know His Name & be baptized into it. The New Testament is not at all revealing another God but revealing more truth & unveiling the self same God of the Old Testament that became flesh. Your religion would be heathenism & pagan if you belief in a few gods. You can see in Absolute prove from the Seals that Bill told of a messenger coming to reveal the mysteries of God after Bill. Did you settle on what the system says that God died when Bill died in 1965 & after him is no more unveiling of truth? You are in for a big surprise. Without Gods oil of the Spirit you are found naked wanting & confused in Babylon. He has His lamp in His hands to give Light to His elect. Without the revelation from God who God really is you will never see it. Do not try copy it God never had you in mind as a redeemable child of His. That is why the whole world wonders after the beast that blasphemes our Gods Name Melchisedec.
We are not anti-Christ’s we do not deny Christ we love Him He is our God. The revelation of the Godhead is an unveiling of God to His own who He was all along. This message is much needed by Gods people that God uses as His body members on earth to overcome the Beast & its images. This is the truth according to the whole Bible. There is One God & His Name is One Zec.14:9. We must accept the gospel fact that the Father reveals Himself to whom He wants. Every tree the Father did not plant (From the tree of Life bringing forth its own seeds) will be uprooted. John said the axe is laid to the root of all organizational trees to cut them off & burn them in the tribulations coming. I was baptized in all the false baptisms till God revealed to me He is Melchisedec. I was re-baptized into His One only Name & am very proud of the fact that I am a son of Melchisedec. We are very proud of His Name it is a wonderful great Name I want to tell all His people about. The Bible says do you belief God is One, the devil’s belief that & shiver. Now act on what you belief by accepting His message & messengers.