
on April 15, 1981 — by .
This content is part of a series Music, in .

Do have faith

I had an experience & saw myself leaving in a white robe of His righteousness lifted up from the dropped flesh in 1981 when God gave me a song when […]

on February 21, 2005 — by .
This content is part of a series Absolute Proof, in topic Introduction & .

2) Proof from the Seals; what Bill said about the 7th angel coming after him.

`                                                                                    (1)       Proof that 7th angel comes after Branham.                                                       7th. Angel nuggets from the seals.  First seal. (125) Then at the end of the church age (Not 1963) […]

on April 8, 2005 — by .
This content is part of a series Absolute Proof, in topic Introduction & .

3) Outpourings

38/90                                                                                                       (1) William Branham was no prophet. Outpourings. I) This subject has been playing out to me all morning outpourings. Now if God sends us a good downpour of […]